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Changelog 28/06/2012

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--- Quote from: T-888 on July 02, 2012, 03:31:15 pm ---Some sort of balance exists in every game, a thing called total balance cannot be achieved, you can improve upon and that's it. The only question is how " wide " the balance is, if it revolves around one ingame weapon, i would hardly call that balance at all, close to non-existant.

Uhm, no. Need just good decision making from developers. There are plenty enough of PvP'ers that can tell what's wrong, just need to convince developers to do certain things when they do something, some are too obvious sometimes, and i'm just surprised from what lexx said that there are problems to agree on something inside the community, well that's not true. Yes, i'm gonna say it again, majority is the answer, can't satisfy everyone. Then at least the larger part, everyone else will just adapt, as always. It's just simple as that.

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If you play mostly with sniper (RLer, burster, sneaker...), you will try to suggest anything, that would make your play more "balanced". But the problem is that you can play with whatever you play and not make the most of the abilities of your character, so it seems like there is some "unbalance" in being a sniper (RLer, whatever). StarCraft 2 is very good example. You cant play only with one type of units, because there is easy counter unit on the other side (for every unit) that would crush you easily. The same applies to this game. You cannot have balanced characters (one type of unit), because thats just not PvP. There should be counter for every perk in the game and for the each possible build in the game, but the problem is that there is no such a thing for some perks (or builds).

Sure, each character has it's own flaws and advantages, just sometimes that advantage might be too big, overpowered. Starcraft 2 is a good example indeed, now imagine a unit, that no other unit can effectively deal with, i would call that imbalance. That you can't counter it! Well such things already exist in fonline:2238, like the hot topic about crit bursters, you can't counter a 330 damage burst in your face, game mechanics, features doesn't allow to do that. So the only way how to counter that, is to make a similar build and smack back with 330 bursts in face. Some sort of balance exists even then, but it's a lot narrow than before.

John Porno:

--- Quote from: Mike Wall on July 02, 2012, 03:52:48 pm ---If you play mostly with sniper (RLer, burster, sneaker...), you will try to suggest anything, that would make your play more "balanced". But the problem is that you can play with whatever you play and not make the most of the abilities of your character, so it seems like there is some "unbalance" in being a sniper (RLer, whatever). StarCraft 2 is very good example. You cant play only with one type of units, because there is easy counter unit on the other side (for every unit) that would crush you easily. The same applies to this game. You cannot have balanced characters (one type of unit), because thats just not PvP. There should be counter for every perk in the game and for the each possible build in the game, but the problem is that there is no such a thing for some perks (or builds).

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Snipers are a very good example. and please, dont call rocket launchers snipers.

Let's put it like this: even if you "make the most of the abilites of your [sniper] character", you still are less useful than a bg this season. The reason is just that there never really was any real tc with at least 10fighters on either side of the team in standard gear. That way, though the wipe-patch raised the damage potential of snipers, it never could be utilized due to all the fighting taking place in reno or sd sneaks.

I didnt check this recent patch yet, but judging from the rbte/helmet crit thingy and from what I've heard on irc, snipers seemd to have been unnecessarily nerfed.

aside from that, you seem to contradict yourself in your post. You talk about how only using one class of units is not real pvp, yet everyone is using bg's. It feels like you are pro-sniper but at the same time you argue with t888 who is pro sniper as well? I dont get it really.

When I called RLers snipers? I just made an example that this applies to every type of character (BG, SG, EW...).
I never said that I disagree with T888.
Not everyone is using BG. There are sneakers too, critical builds, even heavy handed.
And snipers are not nerfed, they just dont have their chance to prove themselves, as you said it.

Keep up the good work! i belive in ya mon !


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