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Author Topic: Reminder of what actually needs fixing  (Read 6135 times)


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #45 on: June 25, 2012, 10:17:53 pm »

Uh sorry if I sounded whinny, my point is how reliance on random factor kinda hurts the part of game where you are helpless, but don't add much to the part that's already fine.

I for one don't think players need to last much nor that there shouldn't be any random factor there (though it could work with some massive changing, and possibly work much more competitive), but I do mind how this pretty much fucks up farm and fun.

In Fonline you could pretty much be afraid of basic critters if you were given the best stuff. It's again kinda OK for multiplayer game, but given the fact there needs to be some support for player to have him enjoy the game, and that there's solo content to be viable ( or they really need to build any good buddy system from ground, because it's still hell to try to play with others ), and that requires one to know how to do stuff and to allow doing stuff non-tedious way.ยจ
Right now if you wish to defeat something, you are waiting how random will work, because critters have insane crit capabilities (compared to singleplayer game) and CTB mode is just broken (for example the speed stuff, or the game that's been designed to run turn based now being realtime).

Now what's really the problem with those PvP changes - arguably PvP is affected quite a lot by metagaming, due to how builds work - not that it is not any fun, I remember people having tons of fun with creating various characters or strategies, that's a stuff to be kept, but this also means it's very likely this is what will appear and have to work when you are alone, and more importantly fighting the wasteland.

Don't get hit? This isn't particularly close to practical solutions available ingame
I haven't played much lately, but I still remember patience and strategy playing prime role in PvP, visibility was very important thing to keep in mind, and most maps were designed to provide some kind of defense. This thing always had the flaw however, one of them being trench warfare, where nobody was motivated to ever move his ass out of the cower (this would really use dynamic environment) and BG rush, where you could just ignore things, and run into one hex range.
Now again useful analogy with X-Com - not getting hit is much more important than being able to survive ( though power armor gives solid chance to remain unharmed, it does not prevent your soldiers from dying in one round or from one burst ) - it was pretty equal not to be in sniping view (getting knocked out and being killed). The part where analogy fails is the interaction with environment. X-Com environment is notable for being destructable, and predictable (eg. you know what type of terrain decreases your chances to hit targets, what will absorb explosions, what is durable to fire, what makes specific kind of noise, which does not work very well in Fonline).
This is one of the ways you could improve Fonline - by making strategy even more complex and give people more options. This works entirely on decisions, and requires no random results to keep players in check.

Anyway I think I am ranting way too much.
TLDR: Make singleplayer/PvE much more predictable and fair to reduce level of frustration or boredom in the part which is now enjoyed by very few people.
To make PvP more fun, there are more options that don't necessarily change the way that solo work and perhaps may potentially improve even it. Solo simply cannot benefit from balanced multiplayer, yet it's almost decisive part of the game when it comes to player retention or overall fun factor.
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #46 on: June 25, 2012, 11:02:59 pm »

These discussions are always so productive.  You guys are all a bunch of whiney little bitches that get butthurtz when you get killed, frantaclly relog and "strategize" from where your next "tactical" attack is going to come from to commercial row.  3-2-1 rush!  die die die.  boo hoos, tears, im going to bed, this game sucks i hate critbrusts its bullshit!   That fucking plasmasneaker got me again, god damnit!  Back to WM.  Get your next wave of alts over WM, please keep the channel clear you Polacks!  stfu kurwa!  Are we doing action?  Idk, we're checking it out with sneakers.   

Yeah, that's some downright tactical shit there boys and girls lmao.
That's everyday......

The only thing that would make you happy is if you can go around soloing all by your big bad self then the game would be just perfect!  You want to be able to say "looks at my madzkills!"  I am so intelligent I have made the uber rapist build, nobody can touch mehz! 
so predictable.
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #47 on: June 25, 2012, 11:31:02 pm »

Don't die is great advice, it's the players fault for not following it.


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #48 on: June 26, 2012, 02:34:39 am »

Don't die is great advice, it's the players fault for not following it.

thank you for the tip il try it
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