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FOnline:2238 Forum
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Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
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Topic: Gruthar the story of a deathclaw (Read 2031 times)
Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
June 20, 2012, 12:15:57 pm »
The sun was beating down intensely, and I was alone. The rocky wasteland was vast and I had never before seen this area. I am Gruthar, and I was searching for information on the origin of my pack and the mysterious group of people called the “enclave”. A rising plume of smoke on the horizon gave away the location of a small camp. As I watched from a distance I realized the camp was empty. They had left food out and the fire had fresh wood. I saw through the smoke and realized that it was more than a camp, it was an entire settlement nestled in a small dip. There were a few fields of corn and cramped scrap metal shacks. As I approached the lack of any motion at all in such an outpost was unsettling.
I watched patiently for an hour before working up the nerve to enter what could be very well be a raider ambush. The fire was now almost dead and the food was cold. As I searched the settlement a stench that I thought was a decaying pigrat in the distance became stronger until it was overwhelming. I had not found any sign of life at this point and was ready to take some supplies and go when I looked in one of the shacks. The decaying mangled corpses of a whole family were scattered around the room. They had burn marks and straight slices and were clearly killed by a laser weapon. Strangely the number of wounds suggested an automatic weapon. The casual slaughter of people like this was wasn’t like normal raiders. They would have looted the corpse and taken the food. In a settlement this nice they would probably have stayed a while or would at least be nearby. I could see far and it was clear nobody was out there. This looked more like someone killed them and vanished. In the small church building more bodies were scattered. All of them were killed the same way as before. I left with very little idea of what had happened but I knew this was more than just another random killing. I couldn’t put my claw on what it was though. The sun began to set after about 3 more hours of travel so I found a small cave In a cliff and took shelter in it. I couldn’t sleep that night. Haunted by the deaths of so many my mind could not rest.
My travels resumed before dawn. The darkness was palpable and the air was still. I now reminisced fondly on my cozy home in the mountain. There I had no fear, and there it was always light. The shadows seemed to be dancing around me. I never felt so separated from my pack, so utterly alone. These thoughts were short lived however. I soon heard the noise of rushing air. I turned off my light as a large dark cloud lowered itself onto the desert as a fallen angel kicked from the heavens. It soon became clear it was no cloud. It was a plane of some sort but instead of wings it had massive protruding fans that kept it aloft. It lowered itself down slowly as I hid myself. I watched as three humanoid figures in dark armor with small devilish horns emerged from the craft. They had strange weapons and seemed to be a familiar in some way. As the sun emerged on the horizon, one of them shouted that they had tracked the creature to this area and told the others to start looking. one of them approached the rock and I pounced on him with my full weight and shoved my claws deep into his chest, through the armor, his ribs and his organs. The others had spotted me and opened fire while I charged full speed into my heavily armored foes. The aircraft’s fans started spinning faster and it began to lift back up into the air. I killed the leader, who was carrying a large automatic laser rifle the size of a minigun. The lasers burned my hide a few times before I knocked the weapon from his hand and started beating him mercilessly. He reached for his sidearm as I lunged at him, intent on killing him as mercilessly as he had killed the farmers in the outpost. Eventually he stopped moving and I became aware of a burning pain in my side. Blinded by rage I had not notice that their transport had landed again. I fell to the ground mid-charge and lied there motionless as someone thanked the soldiers for distracting me. My thoughts were blurred and I was dragged into a large metal box. I watched helplessly as the doors were sealed and I knew it was just the beginning.
Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 12:19:07 pm by Gruthar
Re: Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
Reply #1 on:
June 20, 2012, 02:01:58 pm »
Nice. I liked this "I couldn’t put my claw on what it was though"
Keep your head down, your eyes open and your mouth shut.
Re: Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
Reply #2 on:
June 20, 2012, 05:32:28 pm »
hey nice story!
going to continue it?
Cyber Jesus
I piss excellence
Re: Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
Reply #3 on:
June 20, 2012, 07:54:50 pm »
oh so you're that baby deathclaw I killed in NCR
Re: Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
Reply #4 on:
June 22, 2012, 12:29:31 am »
actually, according to ingame date its like 5 years after Gruthar get killed by frank horrigan. you was also walking as human there, and talking that you're deathclaw. the third thing is that i believe true roleplayers are not active outside game. the roleplay magic just disappear then, and its getting boring and is not fun anymore.
Do not click here.
Re: Gruthar the story of a deathclaw
Reply #5 on:
June 22, 2012, 01:12:07 am »
Quote from: racoon on June 22, 2012, 12:29:31 am
actually, according to ingame date its like 5 years
As far as I remember in FOnline:2238 the convention was that it's always year 2238
and you can ignore the year shown by in-game calendar.
Beside it's just a short story dude. I don't know how it makes anything boring.
Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 01:16:27 am by JovankaB
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FOnline:2238 Forum
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Gruthar the story of a deathclaw