I looked for that myself.http://fonline.ru/servers.htmlFOnline: REQUIEM 4session has 84 players right now and had 150 last night.BUT it is in russian If it wasn't i'd play it. I actually tried but I couldn't get it to connect.
Maybe you tried to connect with 2238 client. They also say on their page that you shouldn't run updater.It's played mostly by Russian-speaking people and there is middle of night in Russia in the moment.
I see.So there is no other option than stay here and pray.I won t hate anybody for what is happening,i will just say 'thanks' for the wonderful moments gone.
And isn't TLAmk2 russian aswell?
What? You can go sleep or w/e and come back tomorrow/later today to check if 2238 is up.
I just got into FOnline: REQUIEM 4session and it looks really cool. It's a shame I can't somehow hook up google translate to translate the text or something.