I'm working on a melee crippler build. Need some critics here. Let me know what you all think.
Str - 10
Pe - 1
En - 8
Ch - 1
Int - 4
Agi - 10
Lk - 10
Bruiser, for good melee dmg, and finesse for more crits.
20 % crit chance at lvl 1.
Tags are SG, Melee, and OD
Your probably wondering why I chose small guns, The reason Is, with 100% small guns, you can get more criticals, CritChance-25%
And with 125 SG, you get even more criticals. So level 6 i will have 35% crit chance.
I will never use small guns, but i need the skill for crits. Also, at level 9, i will get bonus hth damage +, giving me 15% more crit chance with melee, = 50% normal crit chance. So this is how the crit chance will be
Eyes - 95%
Head - 90%
Groin - 80%
Arms - 80%
Legs - 70%
Regular (torso) - 50%
At level 24 I'll have 173 hp. Unless i choose to get life giver, but I may get action boy x2 and bonus hth attacks. So ill be good for real time or turn based combat.
If i pick life givers, ill have 263 hp at lvl 24, but low Action points. And ill defiantly end up with in your face.