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would you like to see such system in fonline?

definitely yes
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- 3 (23.1%)
- 3 (23.1%)
definitely no
- 4 (30.8%)
i dont want to play only 1 character so it will dectroy my gameplay
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im too much of a realist to even bother commenting
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Author Topic: skill points overhaul  (Read 2335 times)

skill points overhaul
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:58:47 pm »

i think this was suggested in some random posts but whatever, it was never talked about thoroughly

1. i know this proposition is close to crazy
2. i know it has 10^-10 percentile chance of implementation
so spare yourself

what it could do is remove alting , people would actually specialize in what they do most, and interact
still it wouldnt eliminate lvl1 troll alts lvl1 tent alts and tc fastrelog combat alts (thats pretty impossible due to game mechanics)

proposition is to not gain skill points per level but instead skill increases when you use it, like in morrowind series.
if you shoot small guns alot it increases fast, if you craft alot your crafting skill inreases, you doctor(others) alot -doctor increases, travel on wm alot- outdoorsman,  and so on and so on, also if you haul heavy stuff alot your carry weight increases - yes i would disconnect cw from strength, its not logical but would improve gamplay by reducig alting.

that way everyone is naturally best in what he likes the most , no need to create alt becouse you can as well do it with your main character. and someone who do something alot more can be usefull to you.

maybe every skill decreases (sloooooowly) with time if you dont use it, like IRL you forget. probably this way you couldnt be best at everything at the end game - only in what you actually do , and it decreases even when offline for up to 24 hours( or a week?) since last logout

maybe uncap skills so they can increase over 300% but o'course slower

also eliminate tag skills to further reduce alting.

eliminate 3 ch requirement for trading

maybe implement many ways of evolving character. in exaple: you mine alot - you start to gather more resources from one deposit(maybe new skill intead of gambilng - mining) or maybe increase of cw due to carry heavy ores is enough?

effect: you buy stuff from crafter becouse you dont spent enough time crafting youself(remember skill decrase if you dont use it), you ask doctor to heal because you dont heal often enough, you ask taxi for travel becouse you dont travel alot, you buy stuff from thief becouse hes better at stealing, noobs buy cheap damaged stuff from fighters becouse they can farm encounters. and so on. i really think it would work close to that.

now there is a question what to do with intelligence? another dump stat? no. increase skill gain rate? NO- it would encourage high int alts, maybe then perks gain rate? like: 1-3 int = perk every 5 levels, 4-6 every 4 lvls , 7-9 every  3 lvls ,10 - every 2 lvls.
but that way it could become too important. i dont know maybe you will come up with a solution

afterall its just wishfull thinking but if you want to join the fun then comment vote try to improve

or troll,whine,destroy
haters gona hate ;)
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)


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Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 07:31:54 pm »

There was suggestions like this and increasing via using uh

over ninethousand fa! :D only have max hp and 10 ap u are immortal
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 08:08:34 pm »

If you don't want alts, then skills should be passive and helpful for their owner only. Right now outdoorsman, repair, science, etc can be used by 2nd characters to maintain 1st characters.
Change repair to passive skill that will affect deterioration speed. Make repairing items unavailable at all or only at NPCs for caps.
Outdoorsman skill, lowest outdoorsman skill in a party will be active one, not highest, this way high OD alts will be useless.
FA. Remove using FA without stims at all. Make stims, SSs and 1st aid kits' power dependent on target's FA skill. So if you have low FA, all healing chems will heal you on low HP, if you have high FA, then on high HP. Medic alts will be useless.
The same with doctor.

Barter, science and gambling can be made as good and usable skills too, but it'll destroy current FOnline:
Barter - than higher barter skill you have, than better items you can buy from vendors labeled "Bought" and be able to use them. If a character with low barter skill getting this item, he will be unable to use it.
Gambling - the same as barter, but if you won this item in bet, like in Fallout Tactics.
Science - the same as barter, but if you crafted this item, if you have enough skills to craft this item with label "crafted", then you can use it.
But it'll make FOnline a bit strange: you killed some crafter, looted his crafted laser rifle, but you have low science skill and your character for some odd reason doesn't want to hold it in his hands. Logical from anti-alt point of view, but stupid.
Making any other changes won't remove alting.

In other words barter will allow you to have 100% condition items from shops.
Gambling from betting on them in shops or some other place.
Science from crafting.
And if you don't have any of these skills, then the only way is to get it from quests and looting, in one or two of these ways items will be deteriorated. So without any of these skills you will have bad condition items.

Outdoorsman will make your character travel safer (actually now it's useless, you can escape every encounter anyway).
FA will make you heal faster regardless of FA of other players.
Doc will make you restore limbs better regardless of doc of other players.

Repair will make your equipment deteriorate slower.

So players will tag one combat skill, then they will have to choose if they need FA+doc; or FA or Doc +science or barter or gambling; or FA or Doc + outdoorsman or repair; or one of science/gambling/barter + repair or outdoorsman, etc.

+ variation of builds like sneak.

Also lockpick skill may work the same way like science/gambling/barter. Items found in locked lockers would have "Found" label and be able to used only with high enough lockpick skill.
The same with steal skill, stolen from wandering NPCs or NPCs on encounters with label "Stolen".

But again, FOnline is a good game, because it doesn't have all these limitations, you can hold minigun and weak CA at 1st level, you can go on enclave patrols at 1st level, you can PK at 1st level, you can kill at guarded cities, it makes this game different from most mmos, and putting all these limitations will just force-create usability of some skills, but will kill freedom.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 08:23:42 pm by RavenousRat »
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 08:16:32 pm »

Why are alts a problem? your system removes all player skill in build design and makes any planning basically pointless. Rav's suggestions are even worse, nerf fa for what reason? Farming raiders is that exciting for you? Outdoors already sucks and is obsolete due to cars. Your barter system makes no sense at all. If you think lvl 1 troll alts are a threat you must be terrible at this game.
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2012, 08:29:38 pm »

Farming raiders is that exciting for you?
No, I would just raise barter or gambling or science and buy/bet/craft items, if that system existed. Or yes, farmed raiders and used deteriorated items, but again, this must be changed, right now deterioration on weapons is almost useless, it should decrease damage and range to 50% of it's max, so 80% sniper rifle will have 45 range and on 10% less damage, etc. And item deterioration speed must faster than now, to make repair skill usable. But again, I'm not for it, I just said how to make all skill usable, but it doesn't mean it'll make game better.
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2012, 09:16:43 pm »

ravenous , but your suggestion eliminates players interactions, that cant be
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2012, 11:13:43 pm »

eliminates players interactions

1) There's no difference between alts and players.
2) Making all skills affect only their owner means there will be no alts.
3) If there will be no alts, there will be no players interaction, because look #1.

You can't have both: player interaction and no-alts :D
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2012, 11:50:51 pm »

but if one player was effectively able to support only one character the goal will be achieved.
but how to properly do it... i suggested skills degradation with time . so only used skills remain ,and you couldnt support more alts just becouse lack of time
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2012, 11:56:20 pm »

but if one player was effectively able to support only one character the goal will be achieved.
but how to properly do it... i suggested skills degradation with time . so only used skills remain ,and you couldnt support more alts just becouse lack of time
I don't understand it: you mean if you'll lose skills over time even when you're offline, then no lifers will be universals if compare them to those, who play few hours per day or even week.
And if you'll lose skills over time only when logged in, then there will be alts, as your main won't lose his skills when logged off, and your other alt will use some useless skill, that not needed for you main.


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Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2012, 11:57:47 pm »

Ravenous suggestion results in bots bots and more bots
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2012, 12:01:43 am »

Ravenous suggestion results in bots bots and more bots
You mean maciek83?
How bots can help my suggestion? It won't change anything, except to giving usability to useless barter/gambling/etc skills... And it's not a suggestion :D I just show him how to make it better, if he wants to get rid off alts.
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2012, 12:02:35 am »

I don't understand it: you mean if you'll lose skills over time even when you're offline, then no lifers will be universals if compare them to those, who play few hours per day or even week.
And if you'll lose skills over time only when logged in, then there will be alts, as your main won't lose his skills when logged off, and your other alt will use some useless skill, that not needed for you main.

i was aware of that, my thought was that reducing degradation of skills to last only for 24hours after logout will fix this problem a bit, but im not sure

yes that would promote nolifers regular mmo but thats bad
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 12:04:54 am by maciek83 »
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)


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Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2012, 12:05:51 am »

OH yea i mean maciek sorry xD

But ur idea is same shit :)
Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2012, 09:04:09 am »

Bot: Shoot another bot 5 times with mauser
Bot:First Aid other bot
Bot:Rinse and repeat.

This type of system is easily abused by bots and shouldn't happen in a game like this.


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Re: skill points overhaul
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2012, 05:21:52 pm »

Removal of mining and crafting cool downs, and being able to have more than one crafting profession alleviated some of the need for alts.

My suggestion would be to set the level cap at 9999, and leave a soft cap on HP and perk gains at 24.

IIRC the XP requirents are level x1000. Leave it there or reduce it to x750 or some slightly lower value, and I think that might remove some need for alting. I could be wrong, and maybe it's able to be abused. I don't know.

I just don't think a complicated overhaul will actually improve anything. Maybe just keeping it simple will get more desirable results.
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