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Hub RPG - canceled
Project canceled.
This thread is created to comment the Hub RPG system (rules/setting) while it's developed.
This project will not start before the end of summer. I don't know when it will start.
Please wait with new characters, background stories or any activities in game made
specifically for this project. There might be official topic for this, but it won't happen
anytime soon. Because the project is in early conceptual phase, any characters created
now by players specifically for this project could be a wasted effort. Of course if you want
to do anything on your own now and simply join the project when it's ready, then great!
The system will be developed on http://fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/User:JovankaB page.
What I need is general feedback about possible problems and solutions, ideas etc.
Please remember that we are limited to features that 2238 has to offer in the moment.
Do not propose anything that would require supervision or assistance of 2238 developers.
Do not harass any of the developers about this project. This project is my initiative.
I don't want anyone from staff who didn't offer a help to be harassed in any way.
Adding completely new maps inside Hub, eg sewers is impossible. Scripting and
automation is impossible. AI NPCs with new dialogs are impossible. Project must be
designed to overcome these limits. It must rely on clear rules, writing and cooperation
of players and GMs involved in the project.
Please don't send general questions by PMs so I don't have to answer them 100 times.
--- Quote ---so would you like be able too own a store or something or just solely for rp??
--- End quote ---
In theory you could acquire and do anything with any building in Hub. But buildings in Hub would be
for rp characters running interesting projects, active roleplayers with well written characters etc.
For people who bring some VALUE to the town project. Still, anyone would be able to acquire them.
How would it work:
In the beginning all buildings would belong to characters controlled by GMs. The best rp characters
with their own projects in town could get a chance to have something tiny relatively soon, eg a tent.
It would be extremely unlikely to become owner of bank building for example. Player would have to
pull off something incredibly impressive roleplay-wise and project-wise in Hub to get a slim chance
for such building.
This comes with interesting problem what with NPCs. I wrote on wiki that they are supposed to be
employees of owner but this is bad if building could be closed for example. So perhaps they would be
just renting the building for their business and pay owner a fee like once / week. Player could decide
to send them to hell anytime, then GM would have to find them another place in Hub. But renting
space by the NPCs could come with regular profits so probably player would prefer to keep them.
NPCs could even move to whoever offer the smallest fee :P
Once acquired by a player from character run by GM, the building can be sold to anyone, however:
owners of buildings in Hub would be required to be active citizens in the town that do something
(not just idle in room with multibox). If it would be some taxi alt that does nothing, building would
be marked as abandoned (maybe GM would spawn some homeless people there :P) and soon
taken over by the estate agent or a completely new character run by GM.
jonny rust:
The realestate sounds great!
I think you had mentioned hub police, possibly being played by GM's?
Would it be a possibility for players who prove themselves to the GM police to be deputized and perhaps help to enforce Hub law? Perhaps if they manage to knock a criminal unconcsious they could 'arrest' him (or have a policeman do it).
If so, what might then make that even better would be to have an organized crime syndicate or a or some sort of underground/black market organization (perhaps in Old town, centered in the building that has the basement level there) where players can also join up having proved themselves.
then there could be cat and mouse games between deputized players and criminal players.
The head of the crime syndicate (a Gm) could give the criminals tasks to steal things or whatever and then the (GM) Chief of police, having his ear to the ground, might have gotten tipped off and so tells his deputies to stay on the look-out in certain areas or to guard certain people etc.
It could even go so far as deputies getting paid off to look the other way :P
--- Quote from: jonny rust on May 30, 2012, 04:17:54 am ---The realestate sounds great!
I think you had mentioned hub police, possibly being played by GM's?
--- End quote ---
GMs and players. The plan is that players will have a chance to be involved
in town projects run by GMs just as well as in projects run by players.
--- Quote ---Perhaps if they manage to knock a criminal unconscious they could 'arrest' him
--- End quote ---
This is interesting idea that didn't came to my mind. Arresting is tricky but I will think
how it could be used. It is exactly why I prepare this project in open right from beginning.
--- Quote ---If so, what might then make that even better would be to have an organized crime syndicate or a or some sort of underground/black market organization (perhaps in Old town, centered in the building that has the basement level there) where players can also join up having proved themselves.
--- End quote ---
That's the plan. The underground part is much harder to develop properly though.
I don't really want too much GM control there.
The police/criminals would not be the central part of rp, just one of a few standard town
features that would be everyday bread. But some important rp events may involve these parts.
I want the town to have a kind of main storyline that would be changing the town for real.
The story would be pushed forward when GMs had time to do it, on more or less regular basis.
These things wouldn't be happening all the time but there would be results of these events.
Some results would be more visible and some other less. Some would be known only to some
characters and some other could change town in drastic way.
GMs would try to incorporate players with the most dedicated characters into the events,
at least in some parts of the story. Or even the whole projects run by players. The characters
could influence it, but some things would be hard to stop and would require cooperation
from many players to change how the events go. Some things would be inevitable.
Of course they could always opt-out, in the worst case by leaving the town.
This is very ambitious and bold idea though, the result may be big a huge fail :P
--- Quote ---It could even go so far as deputies getting paid off to look the other way :P
--- End quote ---
Yes this would be possible. Finally someone is starting to get what I have in mind.
jonny rust:
--- Quote from: JovankaB on May 30, 2012, 07:18:17 am ---This is very ambitious and bold idea though, the result may be big a huge fail :P
--- End quote ---
It is ambitious and it may fail but i'm certainly glad that your giving it a chance to succeed!
another idea I just had would be to orchestrate a "zombie attack" (has this happened before?) on the city at some point, this may be a little outlandish but basically it could work like this;
A plague breaks out in Necropolis because of all the rotting flesh that inhabits it. It basically turns all the ghouls ferral and also makes them contagious so they are, for all intensive purposes, ZOMBIES!
In search of fresh meat they migrate in force to the hub from where a breeze has brought them the sent of human flesh!
Now they flood into the streets of the hub in great numbers where the citizens must fend them off, they are slow and have no guns so it seems like an easy task at first but if they hit (bite) you, even just once, you contract the plague and soon become one of them, doomed to walk slowly towards those who were once your friends and make them as you are now!
reminds me of the time I tricked one of my friends to walk into a magic pool which put him under my control (as GM), then I let him play out his character for the rest of the game under the condition that he was to be evil... good times :P
Edit: I realise this one sounds more like an unrelated stand-alone event, but I think it would be a lot more fun if it happens when there are actual hub citizens as opposed to some random event that takes place on Hub island...
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