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--- Quote from: Crovax on May 31, 2012, 10:17:09 pm ---Actually i have done 100% of my recruiting in that town, and i don't want to participate in RP to do so. I just want to be able to enter the town and hang out(not in character). Why not pick a town like necro that isn't used for anything really other than shopping one vendor. The shit stalls are great for recruiting and helping new players, or just making friends and this is going to be annoying IMO. So before u troll me again realize i'm offering an opinion and some friendly advice as an older player who has seen that that area is a warzone for turn basers when the server is populated.
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Dude, you and your PK friends have whole wasteland.
I guess you will have to simply deal with the fact that the town will be different after the project starts.

The no-OOC restrictions might be loosened though so you won't be forced to do thing you don't like.
I didn't troll you just honestly asked, because I didn't understand your mindset. Now I get it.

I guess it will only matter if the game ever has players again. For now i have no reason to play this server since i could roam the waste for 24 hours and never find a player to kill. I will say though that if the server becomes populated again this town will be surrounded in turn based traps and all the RPers will cry endlessly, and i think it could be avoided by just choosing a town like necropolis which makes way more sense considering it has no use at all right now.


--- Quote from: Crovax on May 31, 2012, 10:24:17 pm ---i think it could be avoided by just choosing

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RT in config, and you'll never get into TB trap. >_>


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on May 31, 2012, 10:25:22 pm ---RT in config, and you'll never get into TB trap. >_>
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He knows it I'm sure, he just pretends it's for the good of poor rpers that would be killed by him :(

Not sure that actually works but if it does its just another reason all the TBers quit, and the server being basically dead. Im 100% sure ive been killed in RT mode though on merc leaders by being caught in tb traps.


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