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Good luck!

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I just wanted to make a public "Good Luck" post to JovankaB and all the other Gms and Developers working on the roleplay project. I totally 100% support you guys. I think this will bring life back to fonline 2238 and maybe bring in new players. I also want to thank JovankaB for allowing me and my sister "early access" to helping in the project. Thanks again, and good luck!

But the PvP community?

Yes but if the pvp community decides to pvp inside the "project zone" POOF! Prison time for pker!
Trust me, the pkers will still have their fun, just hopefully not in roleplay town.

I mean PvP, not PKing.


--- Quote from: McLooter on May 28, 2012, 05:51:07 am ---I mean PvP, not PKing.

--- End quote ---

Reno? Hinkly? Who cares? The PvPers probably won't be doing any roleplaying anyways, so it really doesn't matter. PvPers will continue PvPing, and ncr noobs will migrate to the hub and help with the project. Its that simple :D


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