They don't need to do anything, its their game, and they do what they want, if they want it to rot, it will rot.
oh rry? it's OUR game dude. i refuse to believe it's THEIR game, because if it would've been THEIR game they could've just made a basement LAN party alright?
You guys don't get it , that they already said - if players whine = nothing changes, if they insult them or BLAME ( which is funnier there) they don't care, if people
and you don't get it though your skull already that NOT WHINING does 0% for the server, WHINING does 0.01%(at least now). still better than 0, innit?
Deal with it.
i won't.
Its not Free game made by studio, but by people with their families and their REAL LIFES (huh hard one).
agreed. but as long as you embark on a project that desperately requires feedback, IMHO you should LISTEN to the feedback, or at least keep the dumbass players up to date with some shit. (even if it's useless stuff, even if nothing happens)
all in all i don't get the general attitudes here
1) "stop whining" - which we all know is bullshit
2) "it's their game, F$%@ off." - i'm not gonna bother elaborating this crap.
3) "wasteland is harsh/go play hello kitty online" - in here it's just losers trying to make game harder to fit their 1337 h4rdc0r3 styl3.
4) "if you don't like it fuck off" - if i dont' like it i try to make it better somehow and so should you.
5) "game is good as it is and game is free so it doesn't matter if features turn to crap." - again no point in elaborating.
6) "oh look at me i make useless crap suggestion that won't help the general gameplay, but i just like to think it does" - mhmm
and so on and so forth, you get the point.