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Author Topic: Char for BP finding?  (Read 3612 times)

Char for BP finding?
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:38:34 am »

I'm gonna make a char for bp-hunting. I'm thinking SG-Burster with aprox 200 lockpic. But i really need to know if luck is factored in when the game "rols" for a locker in the encounter and how it affects the content of said container!?


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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 05:03:57 am »

Good question. I have hunted many BP over 4 months and I am convinced of certain things:

1) Yes Luck matters though i don't know fully how it factors in
2) Contents of footlockers is determined when map loads, not when container is opened
3) The Treasure Hunter perk is to be avoided now, until the next update. Players with TH are finding far less caps in containers than players without TH, which is backwards from intended
4) Lockpick skill 300 is extreme overkill and some guys say 150+picks is fine
5) Some lockers just don't open, no matter what
6) Even with LK 10 + AG 10 + PE 10, Lockpick 300 + lockpicks, some lockers open on 2nd (or 3rd) try
7) Sometimes it seems like BP act like resources as we go for 2 hours without a single find, while other times we find the exact same blueprint twice in a row within 10 minutes. This has happened too many times for it to be mere coincidence, giving rise to the "blueprint come in waves" theory.
8) Location on the world map doesn't seem to be a factor but do not take that from anyone - prove it for yourself
9) Trapped lockers don't seem to be any more consistently valuable than non-trapped lockers
10) There is no support group if you get addicted to hunting blueprints, nor a chewing gum to help you break the habit so be careful out there
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2012, 06:47:08 am »

wow nevery seen such a helpfull comment thx  ;D
Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2012, 09:42:44 am »

Good question. I have hunted many BP over 4 months and I am convinced of certain things:

1) Yes Luck matters though i don't know fully how it factors in
2) Contents of footlockers is determined when map loads, not when container is opened
3) The Treasure Hunter perk is to be avoided now, until the next update. Players with TH are finding far less caps in containers than players without TH, which is backwards from intended
4) Lockpick skill 300 is extreme overkill and some guys say 150+picks is fine
5) Some lockers just don't open, no matter what
6) Even with LK 10 + AG 10 + PE 10, Lockpick 300 + lockpicks, some lockers open on 2nd (or 3rd) try
7) Sometimes it seems like BP act like resources as we go for 2 hours without a single find, while other times we find the exact same blueprint twice in a row within 10 minutes. This has happened too many times for it to be mere coincidence, giving rise to the "blueprint come in waves" theory.
8) Location on the world map doesn't seem to be a factor but do not take that from anyone - prove it for yourself
9) Trapped lockers don't seem to be any more consistently valuable than non-trapped lockers
10) There is no support group if you get addicted to hunting blueprints, nor a chewing gum to help you break the habit so be careful out there


So what do you guys think about something like this?

Single char BP-finder


ST - 05
PE - 06
EN - 06
CH - 01
IN - 06
AG - 08
LK - 08



Tag skills:

-Small Guns   (181% at lvl 24)
-Lockpick   (206% at lvl 24)
-Outdoorsman   (100% at lvl 24)


LVL3 – Pack Rat/More Criticals/Other (?)

LVL6 - Toughness

LVL9 - Even Tougher

LVL12 - Lifegiver

LVL15 - Actionboy

LVL18 - Bonus Rate of Fire (Two bursts with grease gun)

LVL21 - Bonus Ranged Damage

LVL24 - Bonus Ranged Damage+/Other (?)


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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2012, 01:21:28 pm »


So what do you guys think about something like this?

Single char BP-finder


ST - 05
PE - 06
EN - 06
CH - 01
IN - 06
AG - 08
LK - 08



Tag skills:

-Small Guns   (181% at lvl 24)
-Lockpick   (206% at lvl 24)
-Outdoorsman   (100% at lvl 24)


LVL3 – Pack Rat/More Criticals/Other (?)

LVL6 - Toughness

LVL9 - Even Tougher

LVL12 - Lifegiver

LVL15 - Actionboy

LVL18 - Bonus Rate of Fire (Two bursts with grease gun)

LVL21 - Bonus Ranged Damage

LVL24 - Bonus Ranged Damage+/Other (?)

If you're just going to be using grease gun or other SMGs I recommend dropping ST to 4, taking small frame and putting the two extra points into either agility or luck, pack rat will compensate for the lower CW.

I'd personally choose to sink those points into agility, since more AP is always better.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 01:25:10 pm by Senrain »
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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2012, 01:50:59 pm »

I agree with Senrain about Agility. And ST 5 is way over the top for a small guns guy. My newest lockpicker has ST 1 actually, with Weapon Handling. Use Small Frame to get boost to Agility, plus your Action Boy to end with AP 11 or two Action Boys to end with AP 12 is even better.

Mine is with Small Frame + Fast Metabolism
I tagged Small Guns, Lockpick and Doctor (so i can heal some leg cripples on the go)

This IN is rather low but i did not plan to end with LP skill as high as yours. The way i do builds now makes starting one out very tough, but i keep my eyes on the end goal: what does he need when he's done at level 24? A goals-oriented build is tougher to level but more handy afterwards.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2012, 01:53:38 pm »

I would also like to add that you are better off dropping outdoorsman because if this char is to be used purely as a lockpicker then you want more encounters...not less. Better off tagging Traps to be able to at least deal with bear traps.

Bonus move is always nice as well, if you are hunting lockers in turn based.


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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2012, 02:06:46 pm »


ST - 04
PE - 06
EN - 06
CH - 01
IN - 06
AG - 10
LK - 08


Small frame
Fast Metabolism

Tag skills:

-Small Guns   


LVL3 – Pack Rat

LVL6 - Toughness/Bonus move if blueprint hunting in TB

LVL9 - Even Tougher

LVL12 - Lifegiver

LVL15 - Actionboy

LVL18 - Actionboy

LVL21 - BroF

LVL24 - Bonus Ranged Damage+

This seems like the ideal build to use. 1 ST just seems to be far too low as you need decent CW to be able to carry anything. Though I haven't gone BP hunting much so I'm not sure how heavy the loot usually is.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 02:14:25 pm by Senrain »
Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!
Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2012, 12:39:31 am »

The reason i didn't go for less strenght and small frame is because i figured that it would be a lot of pve fighthing betwen the actuall BP-Findings and that i could rake in on some loot in the meantime without having to run back to camp as often. Bad strategy? I haven't gone strictly for BP's yet so i'm not familiar with the tactics. 

Also. I don't really se the need for those two extra AP's from actionboy if i go for 10AG. I mean, they could be usefull. But i will still be able to doubleburst without them and they would "only" ad an opportunity to walk two hex or do a reaload every now and then. I'm thinking some extra damage or some lifegivers would be a better choise for this build? Or am i missing something?

« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 12:41:55 am by milmil »


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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2012, 01:26:15 am »

Heh, I like how urban legends about needing specific SPECIAL for a particular job spread :)
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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2012, 02:21:56 am »

Heh, I like how urban legends about needing specific SPECIAL for a particular job spread :)

You think that Luck has nothing to do with it?


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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2012, 02:27:26 am »

mil, you're thinking right. Your plan sounds good. I lean toward A-Boy for my own reasons and i find most people are friendly when i meet them hunting bp. Not all, but most.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2012, 08:20:42 am »

am i right in assuming that lockers only apear in encounters with enemies. Its frustrating to be have encounters with two arge enemy groups (mauraders and podwer gangers for exmeple) and to see a juciy chest lying just there. :(


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Re: Char for BP finding?
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2012, 08:27:15 am »

Oh yes that's a good one i forgot! The footlockers only appear in populated encounters. Thus due to the level of threat, some lockers might in deed be juicy, but inaccessible. As they say...hasteland is warsh.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
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