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Author Topic: Help to newcomers (almost official)  (Read 1951 times)

Help to newcomers (almost official)
« on: May 07, 2012, 11:14:54 pm »

I suggest to put here links to all usefull topics, which can be used by newbies and newcomers.

Also i suggest to newcomers ask here for help (brahmin hides, guns, some caps).

Also some tips which was not posted by independent topics - post them here by replies, please.

I ll start:


support perks,20054.0.html

slavery guide,10331.0.html

quesion - answer,18127.0.html

easy bottle caps (money),23025.0.html

fonline wiki

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Xisingr Will

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Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 12:39:17 am »

I think one of the easiest ways to start out this game is to join a nice gang.,12.0.html

I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.


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Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 01:12:25 am »

I think one of the easiest ways to start out this game is to join a nice gang.,12.0.html


To me in my opinion, not really, this just shows the faction announcements and what is happening in during factions... this doesn't help players who are JUST beginning...  :-\

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Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 02:59:26 am »

These kinds of things don't really work  exactly as you want them to, and are mostly a waste of effort in my opinion. You can gather all the "hey newbie, read me!" info in one place and newbies will still annoy you with questions about every damn single thing they are curious about, even if it's something that you can obviously find in the Wiki ("what is the STR requirement for weapon X?").

While the game's noob-unfriendly harshness is not entirely bad because those who stay have passed the Temple of Trials that is the entire game, and have found their own way of enjoying it, I have become one of those who think the game does need some sort of "turotial/noobland", something to make newbies learn the game as they play, because right now you got to read this...

...before playing the game "well". For example, pwning everyone in TC is not the only thing to do in this game, but new players have a right to be interested in it (it's a major feature in 2238 anyway), and some even are, but can't do it because they don't even know how to build up a reliable economic structure to maintain their PvP activities.

Epic rich starting guides can't work properly if there is nothing in-game that complements them. Could be something implemented by devs or something player-driven like the Polish "Street Queens" or the "Ghost Farm idea". A place where newbies can interact with other players, with an inclusive interaction that is not "ape-ish pew pew" nor "hipster RP".

Of course, if it is a player driven thing it needs many people and good organization. If you find some newbie who is shovelling shit in NCR and you randomly decide to offer him your help (FOnline "charity"), the result you'll get will probably be the guy asking you about everything (see first paragraph) and not willing to learn stuff by himself or making any effort. First hand experience. He will ragequit, get bored or (especially if you start ignoring him) learn shit by himself. Which is what would have happened if you didn't help anyway.


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Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 03:37:10 pm »

I think eternauta is mostly right. When u start playing Fonline without any previous knowledge of game u have to study 90%time and 10% play. In other way u gona play style fail-by-fail.This will distract many(most of) players(noobs). If there can be inveted some ingame guidance/tutorial it may help people experience a wave of fun alredy at begining of game or/and being amazed by features of game. I realized world of FOnline is empty and it need fill up.

I have found my own way to help with this situation and i disagree in this with eternauta. Iam helping all players who need/accept my asistance. Never happend that guy who i have helped was tracing me and asking about stupid questions.Failure has been made when high leveled/skilled players have not nurtured middle skilled players about cooperation. If they did, there  would be many middle skilled players who can guide newcomers with mutual benefit(i believe mutual benefit is possible in realtion of high/mid skilled players too).

I give example on me:
I have joined game 4 days ago. and i was first day doing only fails(no tent,shoveling XP shit-by-shit). Then i met high leveled player who had willingness to help me.He turned my game 180 degrees. (now i am lvl 13,got overflow of ammo/weapons,14k caps and iam in faction). During getting all my stuff i have helped 5+ players to start game ( not nonprofitable but with mutual benefit).

I give here 2 examples of mutual benefit:
1. I have used carry players to move minerals from mine(100 ammo for each expedition-quite good for newbie),
2. I have used player with good endurance/hp to tank my ranged fights (etc half of skins as reward)

All of this was fun + reinforce and i had not to play "loner". Althought iam middle level, but u should nurture noob players when u was middle level too. Now would be maybe more players  here.

Last thing i want to say is that PK tracing noobs in (cities,mines..) is totaly contraproducitve to improve FOnline. Idk why exactly they do it but they should do it on peers.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:48:21 pm by greenthumb »


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Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 05:28:32 pm »

Good points greenthumb but sadly it's also true that many newbies will not accept your help because the Wiki tells them not to trust anyone, they'll probably not want to help other because the Wiki tells them not to trust anyone, and sometimes they're even so selfish that don't want any mutual benefit stuff, they only want you to help them. With everything and NOW.

Still, what you've explained is still the best option you can go for imo.
Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 05:52:24 pm »

Perhaps you can move your discussion elsewhere to keep this thread clean of clutter. Otherwise it will be a 20 page help topic which no noob will read...

And don't bother pointing out I'm doing the same.

Useful tips for hunting:
Area 31:8 is great for hunting brahmin
Area 28:13 has 100% khan raider encounters
Area 30:13 has 100% khan raider encounters

* Edit: @Xisingr Will - I definately meant 31:8. For most new people dealing with humanoids is a small problem. And 31:8 only has brahmin vs weak critters.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 10:09:25 am by Enzotainment »

Xisingr Will

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Re: Help to newcomers (almost official)
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2012, 12:09:25 am »

Perhaps you can move your discussion elsewhere to keep this thread clean of clutter. Otherwise it will be a 20 page help topic which no noob will read...

And don't bother pointing out I'm doing the same.

Useful tips for hunting:
Area 31:8 is great for hunting brahmin
Area 28:13 has 100% khan raider encounters
Area 30:13 has 100% khan raider encounters
Did you mean 30:8? or is 31:8 also good hunting 30:8 the encounters are about 95% brahmin and bloodbeasts (weak raiders...)
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.
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