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Author Topic: Roleplay.....  (Read 6075 times)

Xisingr Will

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« on: May 06, 2012, 03:22:22 am »

Ok so I've seen a whole bunch of things about roleplay projects and roleplay fails and how roleplay does simply not work and is not a good idea in this game......but i love to roleplay and i think some actual roleplay players and me should try to make another one of those roleplay projects and see if we can do it. And if you disagree with my opinion don't just go sending me some troll messages just because you don't want another roleplay thing......just because you don't want to try this doesn't mean that some players don't....... I hope we could some how open another roleplay project like one of these, , and i hope a few roleplay loving players will try and help.....thanks  ;D
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2012, 08:24:56 pm »

We can always try to set up a new player driven community city somewhere in wasteland..
We’ve died a million times but we are not the walking dead


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2012, 08:45:06 pm »

You can roleplay just fine, but don't let it slow you down.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.

Xisingr Will

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2012, 11:03:14 pm »

We need to find a perfect place to start this out!  :D
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2012, 11:46:36 pm »

Yea lets just tell it everybody here so people can come with nice swarm to kill us.
We’ve died a million times but we are not the walking dead
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2012, 12:33:15 am »

Never seen the need for any kind of RP projects , other than it might be fun for some. I prefer player interaction in a different manner. Some might say it's a mindless pissing contest of " the best team " , but then again i don't understand what's the fun and point to pretend to be a ghoul or some caravan guard. There's no competition and let's say sense of sport , as well other qualities i desire.

There is one point for sure , anything that is public and connected with RP is just bad. Here , on this forum without any doubt.


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2012, 12:38:07 am »

There's no competition and let's say sense of sport , as well other qualities i desire.
Not everyone is blood-&-action-thirsty competitor, even in this game.

There is one point for sure , anything that is public and connected with RP is just bad. Here , on this forum without any doubt.
True, announcing any activities that can be griefed or trolled is fail, because it will be griefed or trolled. That's why fun other than (more or less random) pew-pew have to be performed in small, closed groups.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2012, 12:41:08 am »

If you want to start a role play project try to keep it small (you can always grow it if it is succesful)

Find a small group of people, a large group will take much longer anyway, and organize them into a time and place. See how that goes first.

Simply throwing a group of people into a location and expecting amazing things to happen may not always work out so think of a scenario that will catalyze RP. Goals and direction will always be a good ice breaker.

Keeping it open has been a precurser for failure in the past so for a first attempt perhaps keep it closed. Outposts can make for nice closed RP communities.

Sneak characters can RP much more freely out in the 'open', but that requires a specific build for those involved not looking to attract hostile attention.

If you really want to keep it open to everyone then you will need manpower, firepower and constant vigilence in which case it will become more about PvP, It can still be fun of course but it will be more work. A lot more work.

From my experience the RP community here can be a very jaded bunch, and who can blame them, so if you want people to get behind you you'll need a good RP plan.

Of course, as stated already, postng it here can attract unwanted attention.
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2012, 12:49:54 am »

RP in public places = PVP magnet , RP guys = bad at PVP = can't defend themselves properly and continue RP. I don't mean NCR , HUB etc. etc. , projects in those cities are impossible in my opinion and in some larger scale not only 2 or 3 guys pretending to be ghouls , yay.

That's my short conclusion of why most of the projects fail , i'm to lazy to write more.

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2012, 12:58:36 am »

RP in public places = PVP magnet , RP guys = bad at PVP = can't defend themselves properly and continue RP. I don't mean NCR , HUB etc. etc. , projects in those cities are impossible in my opinion and in some larger scale not only 2 or 3 guys pretending to be ghouls , yay.

That's my short conclusion of why most of the projects fail , i'm to lazy to write more.

My point is that most successful and worthwhile RPs are small scale and relatively exclusive. chances are you have never seen one of these because you weren't meant to.

Also, I think RP players tend to get bored with PvP. It's not that they are unable to do it, it's just not an appealing playing style or it gets old fast. At least thats the way it is for me. PvP was fun for a while and then it got repetative.

anyway, everything you have to say about RP you have already said before... many times... and the fact that you don't get bored saying it and still follow every new RP thread makes me wonder how bored you too may be with 24/7 PvP


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2012, 01:18:09 am »

It acutally adds entertainment value to the PvPers.

Imagine u are travelling to hub and u enc a player run caravan with a leader and 5 guards.
Better than any NPC enc.

When you think about it, this game isnt fallout at all. Its the RP players that treat this as though they where in the fallout universe.
For the rest its about having the best of everything and who can post the most in forum.

T-888 hav u ever enc 3 guys pretending to be ghouls or is that just ur take on RPers. We are all ghouls.

RPing is an art and needs a strong imagination.

Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.
Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2012, 01:19:21 am »

How people don't get bored of soccer , hockey and other sports ? :)

I have never been interested in RP , though i can imagine that the most successful ones are small scale , you don't have to tell me that. The reason for it is because nobody notices them , any griefer would gladly go and suicide fuck all your RP fun even if it's in the most darkest corner you can find , if he just was aware of that. I'm not talking about key points of the RP itself , but the ability to maintain it. I would call any RP successful if it's maintained for it's planned duration , in a controlled environment any RP is successful in my opinion , but in public places it's a different matter and i'm not saying it's impossible to do RP in BH ( now it's impossible , but in general ) , just that it takes more than just a good plan for the RP itself in order for it to be successful.

Also, I think RP players tend to get bored with PvP. It's not that they are unable to do it, it's just not an appealing playing style or it gets old fast.

It's not that their unable to , but how successful they are in comparison with other groups.

T-888 hav u ever enc 3 guys pretending to be ghouls or is that just ur take on RPers. We are all ghouls.

Believe it or not , but i have seen such players , in fact in a random encounter. ;D
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 01:21:30 am by T-888 »

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2012, 02:10:20 am »

I have never been interested in RP

i'm amazed you even know what Fallout is then! Did you play at all before fonline?

Hects Hakal

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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2012, 02:36:41 am »

Its sad but it seems that roleplay is impossible-how you can roleplay in a game in wich before you write hi Youre dead? Trolling over dead body? Thats not RP... Well...back to Fallout 2 and 1


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Re: Roleplay.....
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2012, 02:54:11 am »

I suggest mixing this thread with that other one.

Never seen the need for any kind of RP projects , other than it might be fun for some.

I've personally never seen the need of TC, other than it might be fun for some.

I get bored of PvP and TC easily. My personal experience with it was waiting in Mumble while everyone was getting ready, then our team kills militia by playing with its AI, then waiting in the town until enemies came, then bang bang pew pew, which was the only fun there but doesn't last much. Then running to WM and waiting to see if there's more action. And don't forget the time "spent" levelling PvP characters. But anyway I have said this many times already.

There's no competition and let's say sense of sport , as well other qualities i desire.

I think roleplaying mixes cooperative and competitive aspects to a certain extent. It is a form of collectively made "theatre" where the people who participate are always cooperating (even if they pewpew each other as part of their RP) but I also see a relatively competitive aspect in the fact that good roleplaying requires good narrative skills. Everyone can get bored of RP if the rest of the guys who participate write poorly and don't develop convincing and interesting character backgrounds. By "write poorly" I don't only mean using emoticons and that kind of stuff, I mean that in a good roleplaying game, players must create dialogue lines and actions which add some "literary quality" to this collective theatre.

If you're gonna roleplay with "noobs" then you don't need to think too much about a character background and probably your dialogues will be rather poor, but if you want to roleplay with more experienced people you need to make an effort and come up with something better. The quality of the game you play depends a lot on the the other players' skill, and you are part of their "other players" as well. You need to have skills and use them as well as possible to keep the game's quality... or increase it, in which the others would have to keep up.

By playing a good RP game you have fun and part of the fun is, in my opinion, keeping its quality and trying to increase it. It's interesting to see how every single player tries to keep/increase that quality and how, as a result, the collectively created story is developed. If in a RP project/game/whatever you got ten poor RPers and one very experienced RPer, the experienced one will probably be the one keeping the RP running and interesting, will probably get bored easily and the RP will come to an end. You need to make an effort to get to his/her level to keep the game running, so this is why I think the fun you get by roleplaying depends on the other players' skills, how they use it, and how you are able to react to them. The Game Master is not exactly the only one that throws situations at you, because these situations change with other player's reactions, through their characters. You too change these situation for the other players, and you got to keep it (or make it even more) interesting.

Also, both PvP/TCing  and RPing demand you to prepare a character before participating, especially if you want to do good in the activity and have fun. But while preparting a character for PvP/TC means killing critters (as long as levelling through quests is not a real alternative) which is quite boring, preparing a character for RP means thinking about a background story, a personality, etc. You are already using the same or at least similar skills you use when actually roleplaying, it is already a real challenge for the player and if you do it well, you'll most probably have more fun when actually roleplaying.

My personal view.
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