Other > Closed suggestions


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they do care about local populations- they are a source of new recruits to them, remember!


--- Quote from: Kharaam on May 06, 2010, 12:05:28 am ---they do care about local populations- they are a source of new recruits to them, remember!

--- End quote ---

They take the able bodied for cannon fodder and leave the rest to die.


--- Quote from: Roachor on May 06, 2010, 12:26:06 am ---They take the able bodied for cannon fodder and leave the rest to die.

--- End quote ---

i am pretty sure thats fallout tactics lore.

as far as the BoS and their standing in FOnline that i know of.

they're mostly neutral and seek to fight to gain more shiny bits to stock pile, not unlike our local crafters.


I have an idea.
- 10 PA per game,
- rotation system (if PA is stored in a box or in a character not used for 1 day - it disappears)
- once worn you can kill the person wearing it without karma loss
- 1 PA per faction
- PA deteriorates FAST and cant be repaired, once broken it disappears
- You obtain PA by quest (PvE in some vault full of BOS (less armored maybe with combat shotguns?)/Deathclaws)
I liked the notification system that the person in PA was seen in the town.
You would never know if there are 10 PA in the game unless you check 10 caves.

"You would never know if there are 10 PA in the game unless you check 10 caves."

could you elaborate on that?


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