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About this session...
Nobody has time to work on 2238 and summer is coming , if there are no changes until june , i can surely say forget about this server for like another 3-4 months, in the best case scenario. There will be wipe on servers like TLA much faster than some hot fixes here.
The combat armor is a pretty sore point with me; I think it should spawn at merchants in major cities at the price point of 8000 caps or so. No one should have to make a special build just to get a mid-range piece of equipment.
Did you say "crafting is okay"? Uh no, crafting is not okay! Crafting has been turned into a laborious grind-fest with no change to the wrist-stress Fix-Boy problem and increased ingredients make it too expensive in real life from a time standpoint. The junk requirements could simply be cut in half on most recipes and this would help a lot, or if not that, then make junk appear in larger quantities than ~6 at a time. Sometimes finding 30 junk would even help a lot.
Blueprints? Excellent idea and fun to find them but Treasure Hunter is broken and the other items we find could easily be expanded to include an occasional lighter, a flower, a cookie, or pair of rubber boots or spectacles or gold watch or even pocket lint. Really, if we could find any one of 100-200 items in various quantities while hunting BP, it would decrease the monatiny of it all.
Advanced Workbenches? Okay, interesting idea but...if you do both BP and a-benches, you just added a double bottleneck to crafting after increasing recipes. That's like beating a guy in a fist fight, kicking him when he's down and running him over with your truck. One of these would be good enough to limit crafting, but all three of them compound this problem. This level of overkill has driven some crafters away from the game (including our 70+ year old player). ARGH!
Clearly though, a lot of thoughtful and creative work went into this new season and overall i like it. The Companions...wow awesome feature for sure. The new quests are much appreciated. FR is a blessing to some of us, and the ability to buy a base solo is excellent. The Outdoorsman Camps, the campfires, etc etc etc, yes yes yes i say - lots of work so i salute the devs for that.
It is not fun to find blueprints. That feature is the most grindy thing ever to be implemented in 2238.
To rephrase that, I mean finding the blueprints in random encounters is the most grindy thing. The ones that can be obtained with quests are less boring. Though, I hate the new Adv. Workbench system in general... the quest for the Boneyard Adv Workbench is bull since if you die once, you have to remake char, and the other workbenches can be easily camped - especially since people can only go down an elevator one at a time.
I love the new crafting cooldown-limit being increase though.
hmm... whatever happened to the "Domination" mode that sounded like fun?
Crafting table looks so random and made in a rush. HQ chemicals? HQ fibers? Wut?
Finding blueprints - so far the only way is to make a lockpicker alt and go search for lockers over and over. Few BPs can be obtained by quests, few can't be obtained at all. Improved Flamer anyone? Extended Capacitor for Laser Rifle? CA MkII? Something is missing here.
No cooldown crafting - weee, no profession limit - double weee. So it's not like every single feature is broken and dull.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ---Dear Dev,
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Except Lexx none was online since ages.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ---I want to say thank you for all your works you have produce to today but this session really sucks and i think it's the majority point of view of players.
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Get ready for a surprise - nobody gives a damn, majority or not.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ----TC , the 500 reputation points and no timer:
the fact that you can't do TC if you have not 500 points; No timer really sucks cause before there was a big fight with ALL gang (cause all serveur know you take the tow) not jus two gang.
Militia useless, cause if you put, the enemy wich have 499 of reputation just need to spawn to get alll your militia. In more all militia disapear after down. (before she was bugguy but know she is wipe)
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Since I can only remember, TC was always broken, pointless, lame, fucked up, to rework, to adjust and so on, and militia overpowered, nerfed, useless, useful. At least from what I see here, in threads like this. I may be wrong, because I've never participated any TC related stuff. Neither devs did.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ----The powerfull useless build:
Sneak and cac heavy handed are powerfull than an pvp char and they engage a poor stuff or no stuff
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Who's idea was to make SD sneakers so powerful anyway? Perfect trolling tool if you ask me.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ----The AC mod just enable when you run:
don't understand this, in more you want that we stay in town but at the first attack we are dead. That already before the fight was realy fast, today it's just no fun to fight.
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I guess the idea was to make moving targets harder to hit.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ----The serveur :
A big lag like every hours big lag, one down server per day.
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Hell yeah, dunno if it's powered with donkeys, methane from pig shit or something even more reliable. Reminds me old times with down every hour with half an hour rollback.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ----The stuff :
The repair is useless, cause before it was tiring to repair all item but today it's tiring and useless caus you expenditure over stuff to get a item wich is not at 100%. Before you can risk your life tou BA beyond repair now its bullshit.
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Where and how did you get BA? Tell me please.
Current repairing is way better than the old one, however deterioration rate of guns and armors is insanely high.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ---The craft is ok, but i don't understand why it's so hard to get a good stuff like avenger and CA, if you are not in a BIG team or you have lot of proxy you can't get this stuff.
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I'm not in a BIG team, I don't use proxy, yet I can get some CAs to wear on my apes. Lrn2play, sir. Or find some more helpful mates.
--- Quote from: Sishare on May 02, 2012, 02:07:09 pm ---So i want you to ask if you got a plane to change?
If not mayby you can consider to make a vote like do want to back to previous session?
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Previous session wasn't perfect either.
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