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Every 2 weeks have a Wipe Madness 36 hours. Then rollback to before.

Would help with boredom.

Also, bring back weather and have Faction BP shops. (With a faction point system.)


--- Quote from: Swinglinered on May 03, 2012, 01:33:35 am ---and I DEMAND weather and have Faction BP shops. (With a faction point system.)

--- End quote ---

We can't demand anything , we can suggest , if we plainly ask , it can be considered as just demanding stuff. Then again suggestion has it's part of proposing something and proposal usually is driven by some kind of need. Now you ask something of someone when you have the appropriate reason to do so even when it's driven by personal needs , as well suggest or demand anything you desire , whenever you see fit and consider it allowed and when it is in acceptable terms of social behaviour. Right ? Like right now !

I don't even ... but ... i need to process information.

I recall.

--- Quote from: Wipe on April 14, 2012, 12:27:21 am ---http://fodev.net/forum/index.php/topic,19825.msg165779.html#msg165779

If you still don't get it, i cannot help you.

--- End quote ---

I understand and i still " demand. " There has to be a purpose for it rather than just pure stupidity , otherwise statements like that is to call all 2238 community plain retarded , so this is a question for developers they have to answer themselves , why do someone demands anything here at all ?

I think i just thought too far.


I make no demands.

Suggestion is implicit.

Just daydreaming about things to make lulz and make fun flow.

To get out of current doldrums.

I have all the BPs I want.


Wipe madness would maybe make griefing with mines possible again.

Also: Straw Man


--- Quote from: Swinglinered on May 03, 2012, 11:05:40 am ---Also: Straw Man

--- End quote ---

Ha ha. Sure. That's good that we don't make demands. :)

I don't want wipe madness that would ultimately lead to a wipe. Imagine farming all those blueprints again ? Ugh ( remembers those countless hours wasted on leveling characters and opening boxes almost each time with crushed hope for the necessary blueprint. ) No thanks. I'll due without.


--- Quote from: Red Cell on the MS:C Forums ---Also, I expect you to do everything I say even though I will contribute nothing beneficial to the actual development of this mod.
--- End quote ---


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