Other > Closed suggestions

The "Build-Boy" Idea.

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Mr Feltzer:
Hello Everyone, I was Thinking Alot Lately about a BuildBoy.

The Buildboy Would Be Another Button, Below FIX.
IT would Allow Construction on Encounters.
( You Could Goto an Encounter.. Like a Cave And Then Click on buildBoy And Then on the Top Right Corner Press "Start Building"
Then That Exact Encounter will be saved on the World Map For You. OR You are Able to Make It Public Whenever You Wish.
You Can only have 1 Encounter Per Person.

Then After You have Chosen The Encounter. Then You Can begin Object Placment.,

This would Work As.. You Find BluePrints Allover the wastes.. They are Worth ALOT of Money.
tFor Example You Would Find the "Small House" BluePrint.
Then You Would goto youre Encounter And Go Into the Buildboy Where a "Small House" Would Pop Up.. Like a FixBoy.
Then You Can click on it and See the Requrments EG: 10 Wood, 5 Junk.
Then You Click Build When You Have the Requirments

Then Closes the PipBoy.. And a Transparent Small House Will Be Over youre Cursor. Then You Left Click to Place Where You Wish
Then up Comes a Message: ARe You Sure?
Then on Yes. The Object is SAved on the Encounter.

With this System Implemented it would Allow Housing to be made for Players. And Public Buildings to be Found, Raided ECT.

You Should Be Able to Build Up To 25 Objects On Youre Map.


Nah, people should destroy and rob everything in wasteland, not build houses and live as happy farmers...

Actually building stuff ingame is one of best ideas that crossed this forum. It could give people a goal and make them interested in creation not only destruction. I don't know about this particular suggestion, but I would definitely love some base upgrades done by players themselves. Buying stuff is easy and instant, but building your own base from a scratch... well that would be awesome! Just imagine the possibilities and combinations from simple tents to wooden buildings ending up with regular houses with fence or even more.

And I'm not mentioning possibilities with breakable objects and walls... damn thats just too sweet idea. Anyway it could be simply part of a fixboy just a bit separated from the rest of it. But I'm afraid that it is not possible to add features like this because of their complexity. Maybe I'm wrong, but ability to put objects into map+rotate them and place them whenever we want is simply too much. I think creating maps with regular mapper tools is pretty hard work and creating whole new system to allow players to do the same only ingame with some restrictions... well i don't think its real, but its definitely cool.

Yeah I would like to make my own base from scratch. I think it's a good idea but some devs have to tell if it's even possible to implement such thing.


--- Quote from: Sius on March 08, 2010, 12:29:44 pm ---Actually building stuff ingame is one of best ideas that crossed this forum. It could give people a goal and make them interested in creation not only destruction. I don't know about this particular suggestion, but I would definitely love some base upgrades done by players themselves. Buying stuff is easy and instant, but building your own base from a scratch... well that would be awesome! Just imagine the possibilities and combinations from simple tents to wooden buildings ending up with regular houses with fence or even more.

And I'm not mentioning possibilities with breakable objects and walls... damn thats just too sweet idea. Anyway it could be simply part of a fixboy just a bit separated from the rest of it. But I'm afraid that it is not possible to add features like this because of their complexity. Maybe I'm wrong, but ability to put objects into map+rotate them and place them whenever we want is simply too much. I think creating maps with regular mapper tools is pretty hard work and creating whole new system to allow players to do the same only ingame with some restrictions... well i don't think its real, but its definitely cool.

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Good to see you again Sius  :).

As far as I know the Fonline engine doesn't support dynamic maps, so any map modyfication requires its refreshing - that means wiping out all the items/characters on it. The idea of player - built locations is obviously interesting though, but I just don't believe it can happen in the nearby future.


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