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Author Topic: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(  (Read 18733 times)


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #105 on: May 18, 2012, 07:44:49 pm »

Thank you so much, Enzo ;)

you don't really need to visit that link. just go to the homepage of the forum and scroll down.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #106 on: May 18, 2012, 07:53:03 pm »

But it's not smart. It's not reasonable in terms of mechanics. Making a hybrid character is like using an underpowered gun in fps game or doing intentionally stupid strategies in rts. When you get a royal flush in poker, do you keep it or scramble it for the sake of it?
My point here is that the mechanics and fun don't go hand to hand. Fun is slow and ineffective, and not even fun for all (apes, powergamers). Effective is boring and repetitive. When the most effective and fun meet, you have a good feature.

There's no point discussion hybrid vs alts.

I pretty much completely agree. Thing is, I don't think there's a predetermined sweet spot for fun vs efficiency, but it depends on the goals and expectations of the individual player and how much efficiency they can realistically sacrifice. For example, I think Hybrids can be completely viable for players interested in PvE or even highly preferable for those interested in player interactions. I won't doubt, though, that every point not allocated to the main purpose of a build will put it at a severe disadvantage in PvP or any form of competitive function in general.

The whole point I brought that up was to state that both facets exist when it comes to new players and any advice or information on that topic is a bit more flexible and somewhat dependant on that player's goals and expectations, just so we don't get too sidetracked into that kind of discussion. Beyond establishing that, there's no point in going into hybrids vs alts, I fully agree.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #107 on: May 18, 2012, 09:21:51 pm »

You can have that viewpoint, I started the game like that. No hurry anywhere, just learn stuff at your own speed.
But if you strip all preferences and feelings players have, this game boils down to items and characters. Items and characters make us able to do stuff. Without either, we got nothing. The one who has both fastest, gets to do more and does it better. You can't balance a game by observing player's viewpoints. There has to be at least 2 things: something everyone wants and something everyone doesn't want, victory and loss. In our case it's gaining and losing items since character's death doesn't mean anything.

But it's not smart. It's not reasonable in terms of mechanics. Making a hybrid character is like using an underpowered gun in fps game or doing intentionally stupid strategies in rts. When you get a royal flush in poker, do you keep it or scramble it for the sake of it?
My point here is that the mechanics and fun don't go hand to hand. Fun is slow and ineffective, and not even fun for all (apes, powergamers). Effective is boring and repetitive. When the most effective and fun meet, you have a good feature.

There's no point discussion hybrid vs alts. I got few examples right here:
- max effective sneak is 300, not much room for anything else
- you want to know if there's a restock in sf tanker. You're in VC. Which one is faster: log to a shop checker who is inside the tanker or travel to sf?
- you want to know if there's something in reno. Do you travel there or log to your townchecker?
Alts allow you to travel lightning fast.

You have to travel anyway though depending on where your base and resupply points are located at. Travel isn't exactly a bad thing either; if you're a hybrid crafter you can do some PvE along your trade route for easy exp. and don't have to suffer the monotony so much of being a specialist cripple.


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #108 on: May 18, 2012, 10:24:03 pm »

You have to travel anyway though depending on where your base and resupply points are located at. Travel isn't exactly a bad thing either; if you're a hybrid crafter you can do some PvE along your trade route for easy exp. and don't have to suffer the monotony so much of being a specialist cripple.

The thing is that the shop checker gets the info whether or not to go in sf tanker in first place. Once you know there's a restock, you log to your barter alt, fill its inventory with sufficient ammount of bartering gear and drive to sf with a car.

Doing pve along your travels is just foolish. Mistake that nuubs make while travelling is that they don't concentrate on one thing but stray from their path and get interested in unrelated things. That gets them killed or delay them and someone else grabs the restock.
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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #109 on: May 19, 2012, 05:40:05 am »

Malice Song and avv thanks for the answers. I would reply point by point but it's not worth it, especially when I pretty much agree with the ideas you've explained, also, after all, we are all just typing long walls of texts that don't change anything.

Maybe I have changed a bit and I'm simply not as patient and nice as I used to be, maybe after gaining some experience in this game (I am thinking about what Malice Song said, we were all noobs at first) I have become less tolerant with newbies and I have more stuff in common with powergamers that I want to admit :D Maybe I am just not the best newbie-helper around, maybe other players are better at it. And maybe my opinions are too much based on my personal experience and not on anything like "statistics".

But still I am convinced that the best thing that could happen to this game (sticking to what's possible imo) is a tutorial and/or special area for new players.

And Malice Song, about what you said, that we should also listen to the guys that leave the game, yeah I never said/thought anything against that, but it's just true that 1) many people simply quit because this isn't Fallout 1/2 (understandable somehow, but it's like expecting the movie to be just like the novel), and 2) the actual act of reading those posts and doing something after that is imo the devs' task, not ours. I am not saying we shouldn't care about it, what I mean is that although the playerbase "creates" part of the game, we're not a homogeneous group at all and therefore we can't really make a decision after reading what those people say. Devs, however, are the ones that make the tools the playerbase uses to shape the game.


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #110 on: May 19, 2012, 06:32:31 am »

i have always played a hybrid character since i started to play Fonline.

He has 203 smlg, 100 reapir, 100 speech, 120 LP and 120 OD.
163 hp. with 1 lifegiver.
base PE is 6, uses smokes for a PE of 9 with sharpshooter perk
9 AP.
BROF perk. limb shot and normal shot in 1 turn with 223 pistol.
20% crit chance
Better crits
SMLG crafter
Armor crafter.
lvl 1 EW crafter.
Uses lockpicks.
BPs ive found are- metal mk2, needler pistol, super cattle prod, mega powerfist and plasma grenades.
120 pp.

I rencently did a Unity hunt with him in RT with 2 others that were using AR, i was using D eagle ext clip, i was expecting to get severly owned. Low and behold he knockdown and crippled them quite well, leaving them exsposed for the bursters and managed to go on to do 2 more enc without dying.

Hybrid for the win.

So in short, alts suck. Just reading how many alts people use makes me roll my eyes, a shop checker alt are F*@$%ing serious.

Just for the lulz here is an fonline lol pic from avv, that i love.

Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #111 on: May 19, 2012, 02:36:50 pm »

I would reply point by point but it's not worth it, especially when I pretty much agree with the ideas you've explained, also, after all, we are all just typing long walls of texts that don't change anything.
Rhetorical excercise.

But still I am convinced that the best thing that could happen to this game (sticking to what's possible imo) is a tutorial and/or special area for new players.
Would agree at this point.

And Malice Song, about what you said, that we should also listen to the guys that leave the game, yeah I never said/thought anything against that, but it's just true that 1) many people simply quit because this isn't Fallout 1/2 (understandable somehow, but it's like expecting the movie to be just like the novel), and 2) the actual act of reading those posts and doing something after that is imo the devs' task, not ours. I am not saying we shouldn't care about it, what I mean is that although the playerbase "creates" part of the game, we're not a homogeneous group at all and therefore we can't really make a decision after reading what those people say. Devs, however, are the ones that make the tools the playerbase uses to shape the game.
Fair enough, then I'll chalk that one up to really unfortunate timing. Have to disagree with your second point here, though. What we can do is enter dialog on the basis of such posts (kind of like we're doing now) and provide direct feedback. For one thing this may be beneficial to the initiator and either may change his decision or confirm that the game really isn't for them. It would also provide a direct response to criticism from the player base and I think that would make the act of the actual decision on the devs' part more rooted in the perception of the playerbase. By which I don't mean that the devs are necessarilly supposed to do what the playerbase wants, far from it, but I think it is safe to say that the devs are less in touch with day to day gameplay than the players (and quite understandably so). If we as a playerbase can identify and articulate situations, what problems exist within those, what could be potential worthwhile adjustements, etc, instead of ignoring criticism or responding to ideas with nothing but "that's terrible", then I think that could be valuable design feedback.

Hybrid for the win.
Yeah, that's kind of what I hoped we could avoid. Partly because it sits right at home with the topic "Do we want to get rid of alts alltogether", which is a pretty substantial one and tied to fundamental changes in gameplay mechanics. Anyplace else it tends to overtake the conversation, while, with the current mechanics in place, boils down to personal preference. Rest assured, I personally don't like alts myself, but the point here was that they're simply more effective (and there are not a lot of situations where I'd argue against that) and how that affects new players. The point wasn't that hybrids aren't viable, of course they are. But I believe that newbies fall on both sides of the argument, which would change my personal recommendation of whether to use them or not (granted, most of the time I advocate the "not" part - personal bias), which makes the hybrid-vs-alts discussion somewhat pointless in this context.

The pic is hilarious, though. Also the fact that you apparently effectively rp a smoker.

a shop checker alt are F*@$%ing serious.
That kind of illustrates the point. Shop checker alt may be ridiculous from your point of view, but try filling 210pp with capable companions on a hybrid. Obviously it is possible, if sanity is not a concern, but this is a clear cut case of alts being obviously more effective and I don't think there's room for an argument. And unless my reading comprehension is lacking, that was the whole point: the superior efficiency of alts from a pure mechanics standpoint and how that revelation affects new players who might expect an RPG in the style of Fallout.

Mike Crosser

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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #112 on: May 19, 2012, 04:20:47 pm »

i have always played a hybrid character since i started to play Fonline.

He has 203 smlg, 100 reapir, 100 speech, 120 LP and 120 OD.
163 hp. with 1 lifegiver.
base PE is 6, uses smokes for a PE of 9 with sharpshooter perk
9 AP.
BROF perk. limb shot and normal shot in 1 turn with 223 pistol.
20% crit chance
Better crits
SMLG crafter
Armor crafter.
lvl 1 EW crafter.
Uses lockpicks.
BPs ive found are- metal mk2, needler pistol, super cattle prod, mega powerfist and plasma grenades.
120 pp.

I rencently did a Unity hunt with him in RT with 2 others that were using AR, i was using D eagle ext clip, i was expecting to get severly owned. Low and behold he knockdown and crippled them quite well, leaving them exsposed for the bursters and managed to go on to do 2 more enc without dying.

Hybrid for the win.

So in short, alts suck. Just reading how many alts people use makes me roll my eyes, a shop checker alt are F*@$%ing serious.

Just for the lulz here is an fonline lol pic from avv, that i love.
Looks great but what skills did you tag?


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #113 on: May 19, 2012, 05:17:31 pm »

So in short, alts suck. Just reading how many alts people use makes me roll my eyes, a shop checker alt are F*@$%ing serious.

Then your eyes must be spinning like a gyroscope.

But there isn't a designed way to achieve stuff in this game so players have to figure it out by themselves. There is an expected way and unexpected way however. For example when nuub asks how to get caps, the answer is often: sell spears. At that point I sigh deep. The faster way is to either level a slaver and grind that slaver quest in den or grind the stranded rust quest. Because the den slavery quest has a character-based cooldown, it's better to level multiple slaver chars to bypass the cooldown.

I'd say the way players play the game and how they are expected to play it has gone out of control.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #114 on: May 19, 2012, 08:16:23 pm »

The thing is that the shop checker gets the info whether or not to go in sf tanker in first place. Once you know there's a restock, you log to your barter alt, fill its inventory with sufficient ammount of bartering gear and drive to sf with a car.

Doing pve along your travels is just foolish. Mistake that nuubs make while travelling is that they don't concentrate on one thing but stray from their path and get interested in unrelated things. That gets them killed or delay them and someone else grabs the restock.

I agree it's good for scouting; however for me it's just easier to load up on what I know the merchants like and just head to where there's more than one type of item I need. Speaking from a newbie POV, it's not such a big deal if they don't have caps if I can get my first plasma rifle or some micro fusion cells. So what if it isn't as efficient as power-thieving or blueprint hunting or whatever? I'm enjoying myself with a natural build-up and I'm not sinking a whole bunch of time into making alts before understanding the basic game mechanics.

I'll tell you why it's a good idea to roll into your encounters naturally too. Say I have a one track mind, I'm just going to farm junk. In many of those city encounters I'm not finding junk, therefore I'm just wasting time. However, I've noticed whenever I go out looking for wood; I have a harder time finding wood; I find junk instead. So rather than just hunting for one item, I take whatever comes along; whether it be junk, wood, fruit, or electronic parts. It will all be useful at some point in time and by taking it now I won't have to make a special trip later.

I'll even buy junk or spears if they appear in a storefront, if it so happens that what I'm trading in is less tedious to produce.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #115 on: May 19, 2012, 08:28:10 pm »

Then your eyes must be spinning like a gyroscope.

But there isn't a designed way to achieve stuff in this game so players have to figure it out by themselves. There is an expected way and unexpected way however. For example when nuub asks how to get caps, the answer is often: sell spears. At that point I sigh deep. The faster way is to either level a slaver and grind that slaver quest in den or grind the stranded rust quest. Because the den slavery quest has a character-based cooldown, it's better to level multiple slaver chars to bypass the cooldown.

I'd say the way players play the game and how they are expected to play it has gone out of control.

Okay, on slavery, what kind of sell prices do you get? What are the odds of your slaves disappearing and getting killed as you cross the world map? Here's the kicker: How much time have you invested on your slave alts and what are you looking to purchase with all the caps you have accumulated?

And is this purchasing power superior to the alternatives, such as:

- Thieving BoS and Navarro
- Hunting Blueprints
- PvE patrols, Unity, etc.
- Or just running around and crafting easy stuff to sell to merchants

Also what happens to your family of alts if a server wipe occurs?
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #116 on: May 19, 2012, 08:34:19 pm »

Okay, on slavery, what kind of sell prices do you get? What are the odds of your slaves disappearing and getting killed as you cross the world map? Here's the kicker: How much time have you invested on your slave alts and what are you looking to purchase with all the caps you have accumulated?

And is this purchasing power superior to the alternatives, such as:

- Thieving BoS and Navarro
- Hunting Blueprints
- PvE patrols, Unity, etc.
- Or just running around and crafting easy stuff to sell to merchants

Also what happens to your family of alts if a server wipe occurs?

slaves sell for 100-200 caps. slave runs can be done every 2 hours for between 1-9k caps. I use this money to buy mercs/cars/bases since getting caps from vendors is highly impractical for the amounts you need to buy anything of value. If you want to trade for vendor items go thief, if you want gear farm encounters. You'll never make caps from anything but slavery though. Make a turn based high ap build and tag outdoor, with high pe and cautious nature you can flee anything quickly.


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #117 on: May 19, 2012, 08:58:09 pm »

Okay, on slavery, what kind of sell prices do you get? What are the odds of your slaves disappearing and getting killed as you cross the world map? Here's the kicker: How much time have you invested on your slave alts and what are you looking to purchase with all the caps you have accumulated?

You can level such character with gatling laser vs centaurs and floaters in one day. Then you go do the quest and do it as fast as you can. Then you see how long it takes aproximately to accomplish this quest and calculate how many replica alts you need to repeat it to avoid that 2h cooldown. I know people who have made hundreds of thousands caps with this quest.

And is this purchasing power superior to the alternatives, such as:

- Thieving BoS and Navarro
- Hunting Blueprints
- PvE patrols, Unity, etc.
- Or just running around and crafting easy stuff to sell to merchants

They go hand in hand.

Also what happens to your family of alts if a server wipe occurs?

Same as what happens to your items. Alts are just tools, just like items except they have a name on them.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #118 on: May 19, 2012, 11:42:20 pm »

slaves sell for 100-200 caps. slave runs can be done every 2 hours for between 1-9k caps. I use this money to buy mercs/cars/bases since getting caps from vendors is highly impractical for the amounts you need to buy anything of value. If you want to trade for vendor items go thief, if you want gear farm encounters. You'll never make caps from anything but slavery though. Make a turn based high ap build and tag outdoor, with high pe and cautious nature you can flee anything quickly.

Sounds good on the 9k end, not so good on the 1k  ;) With merchants I can get 1500 in 15 minutes, though I can see your POV for grinding pure cash in one sitting.


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Re: fonline is not user friendly i guess:,(
« Reply #119 on: May 20, 2012, 01:49:12 am »

Looks great but what skills did you tag?

Smlg,repair and OD.

I also took skilled trait, with this wipe it has become a very good trait since alot of non-combat perks are now mostly attainable by anyone.

My special is 5 ST, 6 PE, 7 EN, 4 CH, 5 IN, 8 AG, 5 LK.
The only thing id change is take 1 point of EN and put it on AG. I woulda been able to drink nuka for 10ap.


just for the hell of it here's my perks list-

More criticals
Better criticals
Lifegiver x1
Even more criticals
*Snake eater
*cautios nature
*Magnetic personality
*Sex appeal   
*Best of a bad lot

*= support perk
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 02:26:54 am by Ox-Skull »
Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.
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