Other > General Game Discussion
Fonline2238 - General Survey Results
Oh, well. Yet another proof that the server is dying.
3D era will come some day, unfortunately, and...
--- Quote ---"What's the thing that you love about rpgs and that you miss in Fonline?"
3d graphic 0 0%
--- End quote ---
No one needs that damn 3D.
--- Quote ---"I like/love Fonline mostly because of..."
Love towards fallout 1 and 2 34 33%
--- End quote ---
Everyone needs something, that reminds fallout1/2.
--- Quote ---"Do you think that the game each next wipe is getting..."
better 40 38%
worse 38 37%
--- End quote ---
wtf? And how 40 think that it's going to be better?
Anyway, really helpful thing, I hope that 3D stuff is going to be used in some useless TLA clones, not on 2238, in the end.
Nice survey. Although it's missing some more detailed questions about PvP and PvE it does show some interesting points.
It seems, that the community is kinda splitted in their opinions about important changes. There are almost as many players thinking, that with every wipe the game gets better as there are players, who think the exact opposite is the fact. Same goes with the blueprints and the barter skill. I expected some a more clearer result here, to be honest.
Also, what surprised me a bit was the fact, that there seems to be a strong demand for more "single player content".
Such surveys could be helpful for the devs, i think, as they quickly summarize some main issues about the game. Just needs a bit fine tuning still and some more questions about player interactions in general (PvP, TC-System stuff like this) as said.
Cheesey Dean:
I think everyone agrees the game need new content.
Not so just fonline need some regular updates
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