Other > Tools and Modifications

FO Autochecker final (doesnt work for TLA for now)

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Good job, thanks! But, could you make such thing in shape of widget (or gadget) for Vista/Windows 7 OS? That would be really-really helpful, and will make a lot of people much happier ;)

Currently i am working on implementing server communication, i am almost done and i only need to find time for that. It will be propably finished in this week .

Making it as widget (gadget) for windows 7 or vista could be problem as I use windows XP myself so i dont think it will be technically possible. I will try to find out what you mean, but if you are talking only about design, then you can send me some image of what do you imagine and i will think about it.

One more thing is that i am going to add CZECH TRANSLATION for this tool with next version.

It seems like you can develop that gadget, without having Windows 7/Vista installed on your PC. Here and here you can find quite a useful information about it. I hope it will help you.
And on that image beyond, is that, what that gadget for Fonline could look like (For example, in that case, I just copied standard server checker from that forum). If you need to make a bigger image of that thing, or you would prefer another design - just PM me.


--- Quote from: kyborekcz on March 08, 2010, 10:27:11 pm ---Could this even work correctly when server hangs?

--- End quote ---
Works correctly, just tested. When using old method (just opening connection on IP and port), server still acts like online (however it wasn't possible to connect). When using "Cvet's" method, this hang status can be recognized by observing that server isn't sending any data (about number of connected players or uptime) back. In java, it gives me java.net.SocketException: Connection reset.
When "regulary" down, it throws SocketTimeoutException

Something similar i in C# too, dont worry, this means that you connected. And after it you wanted to send or receive data but server became off meanwhile...
Try a bit of googling :) http://www.jguru.com/faq/view.jsp?EID=237557


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