I suggest to use ban for users which active in this nonsense.
Also i suggest to use premoderated function for [create new topic] function, because of alot useless, weird, sad, nonsense, retarded and from time to time 0-10% speech fake trade topics, which is half topics at trade board.
New and wish to trade ? I think if player is new he need at least month to ask questions and simply find how to play, and even need to spend alot time to become valueable trader.
No newbie can find ca bp or buy 1k super stimpaks at first day of gaming, this is ridiculous, so why not simply not allow >25% speech accaunts to trade board.
With double post double-tripple-ten/same like other/same like before topics/posts from some polish and mostly from some *helpfull* users this forum got new junk, even welcome fonline board exist.
Why not make LOLTOPICIMAGREAT for uberleader of coc ot tlc, which was suggested for him 100 times, or even more times.
he can have own board at hidden subforum or own forum, where he/people like him can make gang issues/trade boards with fake alt traders and alot useless troll spam with faction related stuff.
for double post - why not just remove function to add new post in same board for 1 user after post.
remove topic creation at 1 board for 1 forum alt/user at faction related stuff. also please, remove all The Lost Childer topics at gang/faction issues boards. it is impossible to not hate/like this spam/useless topics.
what i just say:

::add moderation to post reply(fixed by 1, someone other need to reply to avoid double post)::
ip banplease remove spam from some players::
::allow only high speech users to trade board::
::fix topic/user-at-one board per 1 or few topics::
::pre moderated topics creation, not so hard if it is 5-15 topics per day, or even 0 per day::