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Jumping into the 3d era

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--- Quote from: bikkebakke on March 22, 2010, 04:40:19 pm ---well they said sunday/monday, then on sunday they said it wont be on sunday and it will not take another week so expect it today or tomorrow or something like that

--- End quote ---

in this week :PP

Let's use our PA's Gauss Rifles to shot ourselves down and transport with our mighty Vertbirds !


--- Quote from: Kombajn on March 22, 2010, 04:12:07 pm ---I can just imagine how much piss off the Devs are. But I am just like one of you guys. can stand to start playing for real :D.

--- End quote ---

If You need to do something, and somebody asks you when it's done.
Let's say you need 2 weeks for this job to be done, You say 1 month.

So They could just say WIPE is on 04.03.2010 at 8AM, and nobody would piss them.

[One Small Question] Will thing with fast reloging be solved anyhow? Or I will gather resources at xN more speed after wipe? If I only know this thing before... ehh...

can someone just tell will we have wipe today or can we go to sleep? thanks

No wipe today. Maybe tomorrow. We are fighting with the last bugs right now, which are too important to not fix them before the wipe.


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