I've made a piece of dumb software which should help you a little bit with cooldowns.
Simply - user will write down the cooldown, hit enter and when CD will run out, he will be notified - visually and eventually by sound. This sw doesn't interact with client itself at all. CDs and descriptions for particular actions can be saved.
1. download & rundownload zip archive from
http://www.rookie.name/sw/cdNot.zip, unpack. There is exe, .jar and .bat file. Run it by double clicking the .exe one. The exe is only wrapped .jar file, so you don't have to run it by .bat. If you don't believe .exe extension at all, use bat (however annoying window will be displayed then. Maybe with some debug messages).
If nothing happens, you probably don't have Java installed. Get it
http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp (download Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE)). If still nothing, let me know.
2. GUI
desc. - description, write whatever you want
CD - cooldown - specify cooldown for given action (e.g. 6 for digging)
ETA - displays how much time left before timeout runs out. If ETA is less than one minute, seconds will be shown.
play sound checkbox - if you'll specify path in textbox below (just click at it), sw will play a sound when finished.
on top - window will stay on top - it has no effect when you're playing in full screen mode.
save settings - will save descriptions and cooldown to settings.cfg file. Will NOT save actual running timeouts.
3. UsageLet's say you've just made a gun and you want be notified when timeout runs out.
- fill the description (you don't have to, of course), write cooldown (for example 120) to the cooldown textbox and hit enter. Textbox will become yellow and in ETA will be shown "120". This means that counting is in progress.
- when counting will come to zero, textbox become red and (eventually) sound will be played. You'll stop playing by clicking to sw window (not on any items, just to the empty space). Only WAVs can be played and delay between every sound is 5 sec.
- if you want to restart counting, just click to the cooldown textbox and hit enter again.
- if you feel that descriptions and their cooldowns may become handy next time, hit "save settings" button. All these values will be stored in settings.cfg file and will be loaded when running sw next time.
4. DisclaimerAs I already wrote, it is a piece of dumb software, there isn't really much catched exceptions, so it can crash if you'll do something really unexpected. So please - don't. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you like it and have some suggestion, feel free to let me know.