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SG sniper, EW sniper, BG rocket builds please

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--- Quote from: Jackiepaipai on April 14, 2012, 09:00:59 pm ---Why 6lk sniper would be shitty ?

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chance to crit with 6 lk is only 56 with 10lk it is 70. that is ever big difference.


http://www.nitue.net/#fcp/direct!id=4503 rl  What is it?

BG with 10 PE, with Toughness, Sharpshooter.. but without Stonewall and Fastreload... it's bad, very bad. Fast Shot? you crazy, it's not working :P


--- Quote from: Zloj_Varg on April 14, 2012, 09:19:39 pm ---http://www.nitue.net/#fcp/direct!id=4503 rl  What is it?

BG with 10 PE, with Toughness, Sharpshooter.. but without Stonewall and Fastreload... it's bad, very bad. Fast Shot? you crazy, it's not working :P

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no one takes stonelol. so i toke bonehead instead it acutally does something unlike stonelol. fast shot because with 10pe and sharp you can get alot with ew sg and even bg close to mid range. fast reload is really useless.  its not worth the  perk. you can just shoot move away for a sec and come back.


--- Quote from: falloutdude on April 14, 2012, 09:30:18 pm ---no one takes stonelol.

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And it very well is appreciable in PvP =). 40 extra HP will not help as a Stonewall


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