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--- Quote from: ThePhoenix77 on April 10, 2012, 05:50:07 pm ---I married one. Nuff said.

--- End quote ---
I am one?  Nuff said?  :-*


Thats just one unbeliavable discussion making me so mad.

This long tradition is not only accepted by girls&womens throughout our country, but they generaly enjoy it. There is also a day for women apreciation. Sexist? Yeah right. And I am guessing that holding the door for your women and helping her into coat is sexist too.

All the "liberal" pussies better stay out of CZE if you dont want see such cruelty on easter. Perhaps you are just jealus that political correctness has not screewed our country yet.


Argentina socialist goverment, kicked by Maggie hard at Falklands and Mano-de-Dio Maradona.

Gingers dont have souls and so dont Japanese.

French? Stupid ass workers do more striking then working. Probably just mad that their language is no more relavant and never will be.


--- Quote from: Bantz on April 11, 2012, 12:07:41 pm ---
 Thats just one unbeliavable discussion making me so mad.
 This long tradition is not only accepted by girls&womens throughout our country, but they generaly enjoy it. There is also a day for women apreciation. Sexist? Yeah right. And I am guessing that holding the door for your women and helping her into coat is sexist too.
 All the "liberal" pussies better stay out of CZE if you dont want see such cruelty on easter. Perhaps you are just jealus that political correctness has not screewed our country yet.
 Argentina socialist goverment, kicked by Maggie hard at Falklands and Mano-de-Dio Maradona.
 Gingers dont have souls and so dont Japanese.
 French? Stupid ass workers do more striking then working. Probably just mad that their language is no more relavant and never will be.
--- End quote ---

And I suppose all Germans are Natzis, all Poles are Natzis sympathisers, all Jews deserve to die, all Ruskies are Sov Red, all Welsh are sheep shaggers, all White people aren't Black, Americans are arrogant, Muslims are terrorists, British have stiff upper lips, Chinnesse are short, French are romantic, Irish are thick, Polish sit in church all day if nothing else to do, The Romanians are vampires, The Swiss love clocks, Japanese men have small dicks, (Thus) Japanese women love Caucasian men, The French have poor hygiene, The Chinese know kung fu, Canadians are boring, Filipinos are uneducated island people,  Indians are poor, narrow-minded, conservative people, The British are violently mad soccer freaks, Spaniards are lazy, The Chinese eat anything that moves,

I can't believe that people have are immature or thick enough to actually believe this garbage and for A Local Moderator to show the same immaturity of a Derp begs the question of how they can achieve that status, obviously any spastic is up for the job. ::)  He’s a Czech, he never smiles at people he doesn’t know
It just goes to show this community is a bunch of immature adolescent 5 year olds trying to act bad and cool without the understanding of the garbage they are spewing all over the internet.

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 10, 2012, 05:48:35 pm ---
 We don't make facial expressions.  We just have a face.  Only expression we have is when we laugh, and we look evil.
 Ohhhooo yeah, ever seen a ginger baby?  Ugliest fucking baby in the realm.
--- End quote ---
Don't judge others because of your own misgivings, I don't really care if you were Quote * Ugliest fucking baby in the realm.* ;)

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 10, 2012, 05:41:09 pm ---
 Not all people without a soul are evil bro.
 p.s.  But russians are totally evil dude.
--- End quote ---

Then where does the concept of Hell come from if evil people don't have souls.
I never mentioned evil people. ;D 
American – arrogant; assertive; materialistic; ambitious; progressive;US-centered world view; egoistic; anxious; fast food eaters; war mongers; God is with us! Build Shit engines, build shit motors.

Oh, "serious" discussions on 2238 again? Wonder how it turns out. *reads thread* - who would have known.

I don't really think this tradition is "cruel", I think that was just a bad word Eternauta used. I am sure most of the people (boys and the girls) have fun and don't take it serious, especially when everyone else is doing it since god knows how long and it has been always done in your country. That's cool, I don't think anyone else has something against it (each country has it's fair share of "retarded" traditions and such). I think Eternauta meant the symbolism this tradition looks like - men are the alphas, let's spank the fuck out of the weaker girls. Atleast that's how it looks like initially if one doesn't know the background of it.

It just simply looks a bit weird from a foreigners perspective, 's all. :) No need for trollposts provocating others. I am especially quite surprised such things come from Bantz - an otherwise very cool and calm user (maybe it's just "joking" aswell, my sarcasm detectors are malfunctioning these days).

So if the thread goes on like on the last page, it get's locked.


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