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--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 10, 2012, 05:41:09 pm ---What do you want me to say?

I kill kittens for shits n giggles or that I sold my soul to the devil for a lollipop?

Not all people without a soul are evil bro.  8)

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I would rather people didn't make statements without any factual evidence to either prove or disprove their statement.
By stating the existence of souls you have stepped into the religious zone.


--- Quote from: ThePhoenix77 on April 10, 2012, 05:45:23 pm ---I would rather people didn't make statements without any factual evidence to either prove or disprove their statement.
By stating the existence of souls you have stepped into the religious zone.

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Not necessarily, soul can also be a personality concept, but of course it's up for interpretation.

Russian souls froze to death.  Nuff said.

Gingers...  Ever met a ginger?  We don't make facial expressions.  We just have a face.  Only expression we have is when we laugh, and we look evil.

Ohhhooo yeah, ever seen a ginger baby?  Ugliest fucking baby in the realm.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 10, 2012, 05:48:35 pm ---Gingers...  Ever met a ginger?  We don't make facial expressions.  We just have a face.  Only expression we have is when we laugh, and we look evil.

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I married one. Nuff said.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 10, 2012, 05:34:16 pm ---I find black people whiny, even more whiny than the people on this thread and forum.  They should stop whining in reference to the slavery years, of which none alive today are even affiliated with.

Asian is the future.

Latinos/hispanics and their countries are...  not the future.

Like gingers, russians have no souls.

75% of Americans have the fat disease.

Don't even get me into religious matters... :-X

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lol and the gm's were bitching that I was a troll when I was the top poster on here.


--- Quote from: avv on April 10, 2012, 04:07:35 pm ---It's probably because girls aren't like men when it comes to fooling around. Men like to wrestle, push each other around and use harsh word choices in friendly jokes. Women don't. So if you push your pal in a lake, he will take that as a funny joke and probably return the favour sooner or later. For a woman that might be a very vulgar act of total retardness.

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But its not like that. I never met any girl(but must say i wasnt on "pomlazka" last 5 years) which was angry or dont(bitch arround about it) like that, and IF yes, she just not open the doors and everyone is really, really happy.


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