We had 5 cmbt characters, one sneaker without weapon + unramed supermutants, we used them on the end when you tried leave.Taking city is possible just min. in 5 people, you had 5 cmbt characters + 4 your sneakers .
Combat Characters - 3 Snipers with Leather Armor, 2 BG with RL.You - All on CA and Metal Armor, 3 Gatling Laser, 2 Avenger Minigun.
Enter with 6 guys and spawn mutants to kill 4 SoT's.
http://aijaa.com/HyNS35Intense horsemen pvp.
I see some fine game master abuse going on.
our scout fail in that moment...but later we didnt die and we killed more than we lost
Also, gm's and devs aren't supposed to play this game.