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What would you think of this profession (and then of remaking energy expert a little in the same time) ?

Idea is fine, bring it on
Idea is good, but improving is needed.
Idea sucks
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Author Topic: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master  (Read 16134 times)


  • King of the wasteland
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Now many players play as melee/unarmed characters but they cant craft stuff they need themselves (because of requirements for professions that has craftable HTH items). Please read whole topic to get exact idea of what i about.

No further intros, so i begin:

Martial arts master profession level 1. (cost 1500 caps to learn). Requires 80% unarmed 80% melee weapons 7 strenght to learn the profession.

Thomas in Lost hills bunker.
John Sullivan in Klamaths "Golden Gecko"
Boxing coach in New reno. (he is removed currently so he would need to be added)

Craftable items           Materials needed to craft                                  Also Need     Details
Wakizashi Blade     1xCombat knife 1x alloy                                       Workbench    
"Little Jesus"         1x Combat knife 1x alloy 1x Metal parts                Workbench    

Martial arts master profession profession level 2. (cost 3000 caps to learn). Requires 110% unarmed 110% melee weapons 8 strenght to learn the profession.

Thomas in Lost hills bunker.
John Sullivan in Klamaths "Golden Gecko"
Boxing coach in New reno. (he is removed currently so he would need to be added)
Craftable items                                           Materials needed to craft                                          Also need                                     Details
Cattle Prod                                   Same as now so i wont mention them                      Workbench &Dens Electronics                                  ---
Power Fist                                    Same as now so i wont mention them                      Workbench &Dens Electronics                                  ---        
Improved Capacitor Battery          Same as now so i wont mention them                      Workbench &Dens Electronics                                  ---            -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                      
Martial arts master level 3. (cost 4500 caps to learn). Requires 140% unarmed 140% melee weapons  9 strength to learn the profession.

Thomas in Lost hills bunker.

Craftable items                          Materials needed to craft                                                Also Need                                     Details
Louisville Slugger                 4x alloys 8x metal parts 2x flint                                         Workbench              
Super Sledgehammer           Same as now so i wont mention them                               Workbench       (Yes it'll be available to craft only for martial arts masters)
Ripper                                  Same as now so i wont mention them                               Workbench &Dens Electronics                                           ---  
Super Cattle Prod                 Same as now so i wont mention them                               Workbench &Dens Electronics                                           ---
Mega Power Fist                Same as now so i wont mention them                               Workbench &Dens Electronics                                           ---
Upgraded power servos        Same as now so i wont mention them                               Workbench &Dens Electronics                                           ---

So i think thats all i can think off as my suggestion, and as i say its just a suggestion so things can be improved, changed and etc. But i think you get the picture :>

Now: Energy crafter lost 5 items for crafting (well i dont think energy crafters make those anyway), so in exchange energy weapon should get new weapons for crafting too and my suggestion would be: Turbo Plasma Rifle, Gatling Laser and maybe even Allien blaster.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 07:23:28 pm by vedaras »


  • General Animosity
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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 06:01:21 pm »

don't forget the obligatory power servos for the mega power fist
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  • General Animosity
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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2010, 07:11:19 pm »

one more thing, the improved capacitor for the creation of the super cattle prod, and maybe have the choice of one of the skills tagged, i can't see myself tagging both unarmed and melee skills, Ever.
And, fuck yeah man, if it goes in then i can finally be allowed to make gatling lasers, the name just makes my mouth water.
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2010, 07:13:16 pm »

one more thing, the improved capacitor for the creation of the super cattle prod, and maybe have the choice of one of the skills tagged, i can't see myself tagging both unarmed and melee skills, Ever.

But this is martial arts! I can't see martial arts master who can fight with hands but no with melee weapon, or opposite.
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  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2010, 07:24:41 pm »

fixed that as well, thanks.

And well, i have now account that is just (armorer, not martial arts master :D) but i have both unarmed and melee weapons tagged and i have no problem playing it :>


  • General Animosity
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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2010, 07:29:09 pm »

oh, i forgot that you don't need to do all in on close combat skills because of their range, i kinda was a little confused on why you'd spent skillpoints into two combat skills, but i forgor that the ranges are less than 5... sorry, my bad...
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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2010, 07:38:12 pm »

Why the hell not, good idea.

Just add the mastery for charging and pursuing moving enemy, (technically like a launched projectile from a weapon, since you can't dodge them). Unarmed skill would then actually make sense.


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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2010, 07:50:21 pm »

I want my hadouken in!


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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2010, 07:55:11 pm »

Yeh why not, but not until there's some sense in melee/ranged balance.
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  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2010, 08:02:07 pm »

well all want that running when targeted someone feature, but admins do not respond sadly :>


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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2010, 08:06:24 pm »

well all want that running when targeted someone feature, but admins do not respond sadly :>

I second that, brutally and mercilessly.
Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2010, 08:08:10 pm »

well all want that running when targeted someone feature, but admins do not respond sadly :>

Maybe it's engine side, and therefore untouchable on their end. Alternatively, it may just be lower priority than super important things relevant to everyone like stopping disassembling weapons during combat.


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Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2010, 08:49:35 pm »

Louisville Slugger                 4x alloys 8x metal parts 2x flint
Developers, developers, developers, developers...
Re: Lets make it close and personal. New profession: martial arts master
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2010, 08:57:46 pm »


Yeah, so add there 1 wood! Alloys and metal parts and flints for decoration and to make bat look cool.
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