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Author Topic: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines  (Read 2194 times)

300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« on: March 22, 2012, 11:23:55 am »

there was a rumor floating around early on in this season that if you had 300 traps you would get a frag mine when disabling the active ones around footlockers

i'll tell you right now it's not true ;)

but I would like to see this happen, making a skill check for scoring some frag mines when using traps OR when disabling frag mines you randomly get detonator parts(for the love of god there needs to be another way to get Detonator Parts) would be my suggestion.
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Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 12:11:13 pm »

Yes for as far as the detonator parts go, no for getting frag mines.
With 300 traps skill we'll know they will be used for yet another way of grieving in towns.
Not sure if this is still the case, but I remember dynamite on the ground being harder to spot with high trap skill. With 300 traps placing a mine would mean it's impossible to spot them for most players.


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Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 12:46:20 pm »

Mine-farmer alts. Wohoo.
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Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 11:04:03 pm »

Not sure if this is still the case, but I remember dynamite on the ground being harder to spot with high trap skill. With 300 traps placing a mine would mean it's impossible to spot them for most players.
It was the case as of pre-wipe 2012 (Voland spawned the frag mines everywhere... including respawn tents...), and players activated them. So yeah, it probably hasn't changed. With 300 traps skill, literally no player would be able to see the mine, not even the person that dropped it from 0 hexes with 10 PE. And it did probably the same range of damage as Dynamite.

So yeah, it would just be overpowered in unguarded towns, and a griefing tool in guarded towns. I think that they were planned to be included in "Domination", but that feature seems worlds away.

I don't agree with getting detonator parts from them either, though. Maybe have the parts be available in BH too, but just having a Traps alt go around and collect the det. parts in random encounters is not what I think of a good feature... I think blueprints are an unexciting, unneeded waste of time too, but that's different issue...
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 11:14:50 pm »

Maybe have the parts be available in BH too

Since BH is a mining city it would only make sense that they have some sources to obtain detonator parts , just like redding.



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Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 11:49:15 pm »

there is a post about it.


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Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2012, 01:07:24 pm »

Ive heard 300 gambling gives you 100% crit. chance, go and try it.
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Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2012, 01:34:54 pm »

Ive heard 300 gambling gives you 100% crit. chance, go and try it.

Nah, just raising the critchance up to 45%, not shown, as a f(x)*1/log, as derived stochastically from my frequency of criticals.
Wasteland is a tricky business.
Re: 300 Traps and Active Frag Mines
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2012, 05:05:05 am »

Ive heard 300 gambling gives you 100% crit. chance, go and try it.

I heard 300 traps makes dynamite do 300 damage, go and try it.

oh wait you'll have to get Detonator parts to try that, maybe you should just try to defuse mines because what else you gonna do with your 300 traps char ;)
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