Other > Closed suggestions
Bringing back the 5 second cooldown on entering an area
To compensate for the fact you appear in encounters before you ever see anything on your screen and to stop gridcamping I suggest bringing back the 5 second cooldown where you cannot attack or be attacked. To stop the previous problem of wasted action points on attacks that were too soon players should have a counter appear over their head that counts down from 5 upon entering.
Yeah, as far as I remember it stopped gridcampers pretty efectivly some time ago and I have no idea why the devs took it away.
Lil Jesus:
yeah why not...
Parley was more fun...
--- Quote from: skejwen on March 04, 2010, 12:21:19 am ---Parley was more fun...
--- End quote ---
Who or what is parley?
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