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Author Topic: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children  (Read 4517 times)

The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:02:59 pm »

*You take a look at your map...

"Yep, this should be it..."

*You see a building a new hundred feet out with strong pillars of ivory, holding up an impressive balcony of mossy brick.  This is the library you've been searching for.

*As you enter the building, you see many robed men and women amongst rows of books.

*After a few hours of rummaging through the endless stacks of books and holodisks, you come across one article of interest.  Blowing the dust off of it, you read:

"The Life and Breath of The Lost Children"

*You find a secluded spot in the library, and begin reading...

The Full History Of The Lost Children...
-Accurate up to the year 2238.

"We don't worship so much as follow a set of principles. We want to bring peace back to this wasteland. The world tends toward destruction, so we try to make a difference." -Nicole

Sickness was spreading in San Diego (later renamed Dayglow), the only remaining town near the Glow, so Nicole and her parents gathered all the people and organized an exodus to the north. During the trip, however, her parents were killed by marauders. Tired of the killing, and motivated by the death of her parents, she founded the Followers of the Apocalypse, a group dedicated to re-educating and rebuilding the wasteland, and to ensuring that humanity would not repeat the mistakes that led to the Great War.

After founding their group, The Followers of the Apocalypse, they continued traveling to the north and settled in the Boneyard, establishing a headquarters in the former Los Angeles Public Library. The Followers are generally liked wherever they go, since they teach people valuable medical and agricultural knowledge, as well as putting forth many humanitarian efforts. Around 2161, they were one of the few groups to recognize that the Children of the Cathedral were more than what they seemed, and were suspicious of their motives. Talius, a ghoul-like mutant partially exposed to FEV by the Master's forces, found refuge among the Followers, and helped them understand the true nature of the Children.

After the death of the Master, the Boneyard became one of the states of the New California Republic, and the Followers became both a major influence in the newly-founded NCR and the controlling organization in the Boneyard. Growing in power, the Followers begin to create expeditions to bring peace everywhere in the Wasteland. Some became disillusioned with being allied with the NCR and left the Followers, while maintaining the principles of the foundation. (Vidya had left to go to the town of Carbon in Texas, to inculcate the Followers' doctrine in her own way).

The most important expedition was to the Mojave Wasteland where, with the help of the NCR, they traveled into New Vegas, settling in the Old Mormon Fort in Freeside where they could tend to the wretched, injured, and downtrodden. They took in stragglers of many creeds and colors, including the last few Enclave remnants. Despite the historic name of the place, there are no serious fortifications, just fences and gates with a few armed Followers inside. Over time, relations between the Followers and the NCR Senate turned sour. NCR broke most ties with the Followers, and turned their support to their own OSI.

The Followers are touchy about their connection with Caesar’s Legion, a powerful slaver group east of the Colorado River. It is from their ranks that Edward Sallow, now known as Caesar, the founder and leader of the Legion, came.

The Followers' goal is to bring the torch of knowledge to the wastes and facilitate the free flow of information, technology, and supplies equally among all the peoples of the wasteland, though they usually give special attention to those most in need. They often provide education, medicine, and scientific expertise free to all who require it, and their members are frequently found lending their aid to the needy wherever they can. Ideologically, the Followers' principles bear some resemblance to anarchism. Above all else, they support pacifism and cooperation. They oppose organizations and civilizations which seek to thwart these principles, albeit not through violent means.
In terms of organization, the Followers don't have a strict hierarchy; they are a decentralized organization, although regional hubs (such as the old Mormon fort in Freeside) are established to coordinate efforts of individual members in the field. The Followers don't care about controlling territory, unlike NCR, but rather concern themselves with the welfare of the people. It is said by Ignacio Rivas at the HELIOS One solar plant that they tend to "clean up" after the NCR.

Although once positive, relations between the Followers and the NCR Senate turned sour following the occupation of the Mojave. NCR broke most ties with the Followers, and turned their support to their own OSI, formed by ex-Apocalypse scholars. That said, their relations remain neutral: the Followers' university in the Boneyard continues to function, and individuals from the organization are a welcome sight in smaller communities, particularly on the Republic's frontier.

The Followers are generally liked where they go, due to their humanitarian efforts. However, some governments dislike the Followers, as they are generally liberal thinkers who occasionally plant seditious thoughts in the heads of oppressed citizens.

While the Followers of the Apocalypse's technology is remarkable and their technological knowledge is excellent, they don't have the means to replicate it or improve drastically upon it. Thus, they usually have to depend on what they can scavenge, repair, or trade with outside groups. These limitations largely hold them back from their main goal and from spreading their message to other parts of the Wasteland.

Transition to The Lost Children:
In the year 2238, a rift openned between the members of the Followers. As a result, a new group formed called The Lost Children.  These faithful few have taken the bigger picture and uphold all the moral choices the Followers first took up.  Where there is a wastelander in need, there is a Lost Child to offer knowledge, and armaments.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 08:40:39 pm by The Lost Children »
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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 08:03:07 pm »

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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 08:03:15 pm »

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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 08:03:30 pm »

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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2012, 08:03:47 pm »

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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2012, 08:03:57 pm »

saved for story
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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2012, 08:04:04 pm »

saved again
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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2012, 08:04:14 pm »

10 entries per thread
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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2012, 08:04:23 pm »

3 more
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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2012, 08:04:29 pm »

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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2012, 08:04:35 pm »

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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2012, 08:26:35 pm »


(Have 8 threads on the first page of faction announcements and do a double11-post)

On the topic:
I thought you quit beeing the leader?
Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2012, 08:30:03 pm »

I cant resist, who is in faction ? Mick Dick, and other give from pre wipe which robbing bases and insulting all around ?
RP based on stupid followers of master from fo1, weirdest person. Based on murderers and stupidity ? I dislike followers of apocalypse in fo nv. This is same like hubology, but you dont got that many followers, even if you leader. Sorry, but i dislike you too.  ;)

Let the Force be with You.
Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 08:35:31 pm »

I have no idea who Mick Dick is, and I can barely understand much else of your post.
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Re: The Life and Breath of The Lost Children
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2012, 08:38:07 pm »

Learn english. Mick Dick was in CoC, maybe this can refresh your memory ?
, wastelander.
Sit down on chair in this fine police office and tell all. This is Hub, not naci Vault City, i ll call good cop and gonna rp bad.

Let the Force be with You.
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