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XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2
X-com 3 was great. I always fucked with the cultists for sport.
The trick to survival was to use smoke grenades prior to leaving from Skyranger, & when breaching UFO's. Flares were also a must for night missions.
I used to assign 1 of 4 roles to each soldier based on starting stats. Basically any recruit wih over 50 reaction was 'scout', over 60 firing accuracy a 'sniper', the 'grenadier' had to have high throwing stat & strength as it was his job to carry ammo for rocket launcher guy & to always have atleast one primed grenade ready, finally the 'rocket launcher guy' is self explanatory- his job was to ensure no building was left standing for the aliens to hide behind/inside (=^_^=)
The trick was to kneel snipers just outside skyranger & wait until a scout located an alien. The snipers would only need to move should a better position be needed in order to cover scouts once they start making some distace away from Skyranger.The kneeling sniper would then take out any aliens discovered by scouts (sometimes even across whole map as you can shoot any distance as long as you have line of fire even though the sniper himself might not have had line of sight).
The whole operation was a slow process as the scouts sweeped the map away from Skyranger at only 2 hexes per turn & always ended turn in the 'kneel' position. This way; on alien turn, any undiscovered alien coming within scouts line of fire will result in reaction fire from scout (reaction fire= reaction stat × time units left ÷ total time units). As the scouts improved with each mission they really came into their own. Same as the Snipers.
The XCOM base defence missions were even more fun. This is because the aliens only spawned in hangers and the entry port. What this ment is that you could build you base so as all the hangers are dumped together with base entrance & then set up a choke point (as you build your base), so that there is only one corridor leading into the hangers & base entry. Then anihilate the aliens as they try to leave the hangers through one access point (the small radar facality was best used as during actual mission it was an empty room with no doors which enabled snipers & rocket launcher be fired right through it all the way to hanger).
oh what nostalgia...
I like the cinematic camera. It's way better than in Fallout 3/NV - no slow-motion and other useless stuff.
Thank you for the tactics dude :)
When I pull out that game of my mountain of CDs again Ill remember it and try it out!
--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on April 20, 2012, 09:01:19 am ---Thank you for the tactics dude :)
When I pull out that game of my mountain of CDs again Ill remember it and try it out!
--- End quote ---
You can DL XCOM 1 for free, & just use DosBOX to play. Another one of my favourites on the old 486 was Twighlight 2000 (with colonels expansion); also works with DosBox & fixes a late game breaking glitch that resulted the original game to be unplayable.
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