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XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2

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I just hope they don't fuck this up by making a console port of it. So far the mechanics look lovely.

Well, it is kind of a console port. Also it's not "Enemy Unkown 2," it's more of a remake or reimagination of the first game.

Must say it looks much better than the statics presented earlier.
It's a bit shame they did not make it using the same 90s toon style though.

I know that it is not Enemy Unknown 2, but naming the game the same as an old one is confusing and stupid.

The graphics can change at any moment anyway (Borderlands, anyone?) so that's not final. The thing that I fear the most are aliens behaving like standard human opponents. Look at how they move and use cover. You could replace that with a townhead and it would look exactly as fitting as these aliens.

looks good, I hope gameplay is good


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