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Need TTTLA comics, we suffering !
--- Quote from: lisac on March 13, 2012, 10:07:29 pm ---http://www.moddb.com/games/fonline-2238/videos
--- End quote ---
:( that is the broken hills video I want to see his new reno video agian I think that was his best video.
@Swarm => Glad you enjoy my video.
I had to suppress it after Youtube removed music because of rights.
I will put it back soon (Edit: => done, you can check on fonline.fr) by hosting it on a private server (download or streaming don't know yet).
Yet, it's old and even if you have a good souvenir of it, not sure you will enjoy it again ;)
@Oliver: Le Mark says I'm disgusting, I think it's not the good term => I am like many old players of fonline community => I have been playing fonline since 2008 and after many many hopes, things have changed but not enough to be still addicted to it.
However, fonline 2238 remains the only mmorpg on the market that is worth to play => we have tried many other mmorpg (free or not) and all are boring very very quickly.
That's why I'm still playing from time to time to fonline 2238. Even if 90 % of my team is inactive.
My biggest hope and biggest disappointment was when Scypior said me that his team was motivated by the suggestion I made years ago:
You even shared me your progression in that way:
--- Quote from: scypior on December 30, 2009, 03:10:22 pm ---This scenario includes the most important event out there - the Wasteland Domination! It was born out of Cryofluid's idea and after a loooong evening spent in constructive discussion, we decided to do it this way:
Like this one, divided into zones.
Controlling each zone brings a technological tier, which unlocks hi-tech stuff at the faction you work (and control the area) for.
There should be a lot of 1st tier zones, several 2nd tier zones and just one of the 3rd, 4th and 5th tier zones.
The higher tier means the higher tech stuff is unlocked for purchase in the outpost. 1st and 2nd tier means you get pretty much shitty items, still you get something.
Each big faction your gang is working for has a different outpost (map), so they don't look the same.
If the area has no outpost or its previous outpost has been destroyed (delete instance!), your gang will be able to set up a new outpost in that area.
A new location will be filled with a few guards for the start (2x guards and 1x quartermaster - read Conditions!).
Each of the big factions has only one gang slot opened. After a gang joins them, the slot becomes closed. This means that max 5 gangs will be participating in this.
The gangs should be able to 'break the outpost deal', and inactivity (5 real time days?) should break it automatically. The respective slot becomes open then.
After some time, if your base is safe (not fallen), additional NPCs will come to your base. E.g. Barkeepers, Cleaners, Guards, Technicians... People that are usually needed in the outpost to keep it running.
The very important NPC which should come right away (with the first guards, right after setting up a new outpost) is the Quartermaster. You can talk to him in order to spend your 'service_score' in exchange for his 'services'.
Services will be unlocked according to the current tier level (1-5) your gang has reached while keeping the outpost safe.
Each NPC brings +3 to the score at the end of the time unit [day].
The service_score should be given only to the squad who is controlling the outpost at the end of the time unit [day].
However, the tier availability goes for the whole gang that is working for the big faction and run outpost(s) for them.
To prevent 'faction milking', your score should be decreased for more than 1x of your current individual score each time you loose your outpost (2x could be good). This may prevent 'outposts switching', because you will always go to minus with your score and it will be hard to get back (time consuming).
To prevent passive behaviour and fake-hostility between gangs, the score should be given only until outpost reach its max. tier. After that, the gang will have to take another outpost or wait one month in game.
Should be 5 of them.
You can't reach the highest tier for the base right away - you need to keep it safe continuously. Number of NPCs alive in the outpost unlock next tier.
Maximum tier should be defined for each base (see Worldmap section).
After each time unit [day] the outpost gets 3x NPC reinforcement, but only if its max. number of NPCs (max. tier) is not met. This means the 2nd level tier outpost can't have more than 6 NPCs (don't forget the Quartermaster priority when reinforcing!)
At the end of each time unit [day], the 'conditions' will be calculated and your service_score and tier will be calculated.
Service_score could be max. 9 for each tier (the difference between 1st and 5th tier outpost would be 36 I guess - this means max. 9 for 1st and max. 45 for 5th tier outpost).
The score would also be affected by the number of NPCs that are alive on the map at the end of time unit [day], each NPC brings 3 points of service_score. Also, unlocking tiers depends on number of NPCs alive, 3 NPCs unlock one tier (You need 14 or 15 NPC alive to unlock 5th tier, we are rounding up the values).
NPC reinforcements could come in trios (3 new NPC for each time unit [day] you keep the base safe from destruction).
The first trio will always be 2x guards and 1x Quartermaster. In case some of your NPCs are dead, at the end of each time unit [day], 3 new will come and you score will always depend on the survivors NPCs. If Quartermaster is dead, he should be replaced with new one in the next reinforcement.
The gang who is controlling the outpost and all other gangs who are working for the same big faction should have their names in green (so they can recognize allies).
Everyone else should have their names in red.
All red names are attacked on sight by outpost NPC guards (to prevent alt-scouting, visitors from other non-allied gangs?)
Some thoughts:
We were discussing the timezones issue, like - what will happen when Europeans sleep? USA man will overrun the church? Now this is where the gangs need to be flexible, I think. Gangs consisting of the members from Europe, America, Australia etc. have better chance against pure Polish, Czech or French gangs. Could that work?
--- End quote ---
And improvement:
--- Quote from: scypior on January 03, 2010, 11:46:45 am ---Well, npcs are always somewhat...weak, their AI might be easy to exploit, anyway:
version 2.0 ;D (with kind of "turn based" approach which does not set fixed attack times (like TC), but helps you to organize (at least I hope so)...
The general idea should fit to the way how game is played now, but instead of having alliances like NA, DA or whatever, people shall unite under the factions from Fallout settings. Question is, how to manage where they join - this doc provides some solution, but it may not be perfect at all.
Plus, it provides area for few pvp operations, instead of one big battle (though those big battles are great, and I'd like not to limit this in extreme way - currently we decided that only inhabitants of outpost can fight against other(neighbour) outpost, this forces them to organize into divisions etc.
Ah, this is organized into flow-chart, for better reading and weak-spots finding:
Domination Wars v0.1
Algorhitm (Flowchart)
OHQ = Outpost HQ
TT = technological tier
QM = quartermaster
COMM = commander
WMZ = worldmap zone
IG = in-game
RT = real-time
k = 1000 (not 1024, you nerds)
TO = timeout
* = additional notes
All numerical values (10k caps, 24h in-game, +10 players etc.) are arbitrary and prone to change!
THE MAP of the territories
1) >>> 2) Players go and talk to important NPC (iNPC) in Navarro/Lost Hills/NCR/Raiders/Cathedral about joining the respective faction (Enclave, BoS, NCR, Raiders, Unity)
2) >>> 3) Joining conditions need to be calculated. The factors are:
* number of already joined players
* level of already joined players
* there may be maximum of +10 [amount of all members] difference comparing to other factions, otherwise the faction will not accept new members
* there may be maximum of +6 [average level of all members] difference comparing to other factions, otherwise the faction will not accept new members
* if just one member of some gang joined a big faction, that whole gang will not be able to join any other faction untill all of its members resign the current big faction
3) Now, there are two ways the new members can take (talk to iNPC):
a) >>> 4) Build new Outpost
b) >>> 11) Be assigned to an already established Outpost
c) >>> 19) Resign from big faction
4) If player has 10k caps and there are free zones to build Outpost on the worldmap, the option 'Build new Outpost' appears in iNPC dialog.
a) >>> 5) The iNPC takes 10k money until player builds the new outpost
b) >>> 3) If player for any reason gives up on building new outpost or all zones become taken in the meantime, he can return to iNPC and get his 10k money and a bit of negative reputation
5) Players go to worldmap and select a spot to build an outpost.
a) >>> 6) If zone is free you build OHQ. If it is taken, players can try another zone and build there.
b) >>> 4b) If all zones are taken, return and talk to iNPC.
6) Outposts start with 1 map and 1 building on it (OHQ).
* Also, players get +2 guards +1 QM and +1 COMM.
* The outpost becomes visible on the worldmap then for its creators and all players who are assigned to it.
* The creators are auto assigned to that base from the start.
* The WMZ may or may not provide outpost upgrade.
* The next turn players can:
a) >>> 7) Outpost can be upgraded with facilities (it means TT = 2, 3, 4 or 5)
b) >>> 8) Outpost can not be upgraded with facilities (it means TT = 1, you can have OHQ there only)
c) >>> 9) Players can add their mercs to 'outpost guards'
d) >>> 10) Players can set locks and traps to their OHQ, to keep it safer
e) >>> 12) Players can defend their outpost if attacked
f) >>> 11) Be assigned to another established Outpost
g) >>> 17) If the time is right (each 24h IG), calculate the score
h) >>> 18) Spend your score at QM to get hi-tech stuff
i) >>> 19) Resign from big faction
i) >>> 20) Attack/Scout an outpost
7) >>> 8) Players upgrade outpost by creating additional facilities. To do this, they need 10k caps and talk to COMM. If everything is OK, a new map is created next to OHQ map with 1 new building (new facility) and +2 guards.
* The facilities are: Supply Depot (support for troops, beds, kitchen), Warehouse (for supplies, like food, water, ore), Armory (storage with weapons, ammo), Workshop (Repairs, limited production), R&D Facility (research and development, advanced technology application)
* If it is possible, the facilities should be built in the abovementioned order
* The facilities need time to be built ('Build-TO'), which can be 48h ingame
* A facility "under construction" can not be attacked (no town/world triangle).
* Note that the functions of facilities are there 'for story purposes' only. The facilities only allow players to reach the next TT, if they already did not reach it
* The outpost (and its TT) can be upgraded as much as the current WMZ supports it (from 1 to 5).
* There should be a lot of 1st tier zones, several 2nd tier zones and just one of the 3rd, 4th and 5th tier zones; refer to the DW_map.jpg for more info
8) If the outpost has reached its TT and can not be upgraded any more:
c) >>> 9) Players can add their mercs to 'outpost guards'
d) >>> 10) Players can set locks and traps to their facilities, to keep them safer
9) >>> 6) Players talk to COMM and choose to which facility their mercs will be assigned as guards. Mercs become part of guards then and are lost forever.
* Additional feature required: if players work for Enclave, BoS or Raiders, they can assign human mercs only (COMM accepts no Mutants nor Ghouls). NCR and Unity are not that discriminating.
10) >>> 6) Players get a few traps and locks from QM and drop them (traps on hexes) or use them (locks on doors, containers) they wish.
* The traps and locks should be very cheap (to prevent selling them) and given just once each 48h IG ('Traps-TO')
11) >>> 6) Normally, the outposts are invisible.
* Once a player is assigned to an outpost, he can see his outpost, can go there and report for duty (talk to COMM) or use his score to buy something (from QM)
* If players asks COMM or iNPC to be reassigned to another outpost, he is sent to global, the current outpost becomes invisible for him and his newly assigned outpost becomes visible.
12) >>> 13) If outpost is attacked, players can defend it.
* The outpost attacks have their own timeouts, which is 3h RT.
* Guards will attack anyone who is not assigned to their outpost. Since player's fellows who are assigned to some other outpost will not see this one, they will never come here and never be attacked by guards.
13) Some more info about the battle. Battle can be finished in 3 ways:
a) >>> 14) Players defend their facility/OHQ
b) >>> 15) Attackers destroy the facility they attacked
b) >>> 16) Attackers destroy OHQ they attacked
* Attackers can choose which facility to attack via 'town/world' option on the worldmap. They can attack several facilities at once (different team squads with leader, each leader can enter where he will), so the defender must think about tactics (diversions attacks can draw main forces away and provide flank attack on another facility or OHQ)
* When defender switches a map, he receives a 60 sec timeout (to simulate some time passed between changing the maps, otherwise they can simply use town/world button to appear wherever they want and make it much harder for the attackers)
* If attacker dies, he can not see the target outpost on the worldmap anymore
* If defender dies, he will need a lot of time to get back (timeout and players will be much slower than now, cars will be solution for faster moving)
* If a guard has radio in his inventory, he can broadcast attack message on the big faction channel, which outpost and which facility are attacked (use dialog to give him)
14) >>> 6) This is easy - all attackers are dead, and defenders can get back to whatever they were doing before the attack.
15) >>> 6) Attackers need to break their way through the center of the facility and set up the explosive charges there.
* Attackers do not have to kill everyone, just set up charges
* To keep it simple - attackers use a terminal or something, get dialog options and choose "set up charges" (maybe the player operating the terminal should have charges on him?)
* Locks and Traps need to be neutralized
* If attackers succeed, the map is 'deleted' and all remaining players and attacking mercs are moved to global, while all guards are deleted (this includes defending mercs, who have joined defending guards and are 'lost forever' - see 9).
16) >>> 6) The same as 15, with one significant difference: the attacked outpost is deleted and a new one can be build in that WMZ. Additionally, the gang reputation of the base creators suffers -100 points with the big faction.
17) >>> 6) The score should be calculated according to the current number of guards, facilities and the overall time you hold the base without any facility being destroyed.
* Guards killed in action will, of course, decrease your score next time it is calculated (replacing them, adding more mercs to guards will increase the score); each guard can be worth +1
* A facility destroyed will bring -100 to score of all players assigned to that outpost in the moment of attack starting (make a list if needed, store it somewhere and punish). Each functional facility at the end of the day (score calculation) will bring players +5.
* For each day players holding an outpost can get additional +1 point bonus, up to max. 9+TT points. This value is reset to 0 if any facility is destroyed.
18) >>> 6) Pretty much clear. We just need a list of services and they need to be different from each other, yet interesting enough for players to join each of the factions.
19) >>> END) Players talk to iNPC or COMM and resign.
* The reputation of the resigning player to his big faction suffers -100 for giving up
20) >>> 6) Players talks to COMM and choose what they are going to do in the next turn.
* Choosing "Attack": if soon-to-be-attacked outpost choose Scout, they get to know about planning attack (via COMM dialog, optionally via official radio channel)
* Choosing "Scout" and target outpost gives players info if their outpost is going to be attacked from the scouted outpost (via COMM dialog)
* Choosing nothing (not speaking with COMM) - well, nothing
* In the next turn, the position of the soon-to-be-attacked outpost is revealed for 30 minutes, then it becomes invisible again. The defender is safe after this time runs out and no attack occurs
--- End quote ---
And then, all of a sudden, everything stopped in June 2010 => you told me it was because you were focusing on implementing 3D in game instead.
Maybe you made the good choices, maybe this suggestion would have lead to nowhere, we'll never know I guess.
Too bad Rotators haven't any rights on making money on fonline => I am sure you could have created the best mmorpg ever created (with dynamic objects, towns evolving slowly but surely, Enclave, BOS, Unity, NCR or Raiders dominating regions with consequences and thus influencing RP stimulated by fallout backgrounds => dreams, dreams ;))
Thank you cyrofluid, there is another video hosting website that you can embedd which isn't as strict and annoying like youtube called metacafe. Also a neat trick you can do which I do with my videos is rename the .mp3 file you merge with your videos asdfasldkfjlkasdjflk and it bypasses their copyright censors. They have some kind of scanner that looks for names of songs and artists in the code of the video.
--- Quote from: Andr3aZ on March 13, 2012, 12:58:06 am ---LeMark, do you have info about Gazoil as well? I miss him pretty much around the art section.
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I created some new characters in January thinking I could play after the wipe, but again, I lacked time for this. I may have some more free time in May and get involved again in game and in the forum, but I'm not sure.
--- Quote from: Cryofluid on March 16, 2012, 11:51:06 am ---My biggest hope and biggest disappointment was when Scypior said me that his team was motivated by the suggestion I made years ago:
--- End quote ---
Eh damn, it's big task and requires lots of organizing to be pushed. It's still the next big thing we'd like to have, but we're constantly being drawn away with fixes and tweaks (for the good or worse)/
--- Quote ---And then, all of a sudden, everything stopped in June 2010 => you told me it was because you were focusing on implementing 3D in game instead.
--- End quote ---
That requries clarifying - it was not connected with 3d in any way. Core 3d tech, was made almost exclusively by cvet. 3d asset making on the other hand, is community work.
--- Quote ---Too bad Rotators haven't any rights on making money on fonline => I am sure you could have created the best mmorpg ever created (with dynamic objects, towns evolving slowly but surely, Enclave, BOS, Unity, NCR or Raiders dominating regions with consequences and thus influencing RP stimulated by fallout backgrounds => dreams, dreams ;))
--- End quote ---
Yeah, it's a product that requires lots of attention, and we're just small group of rotators;)
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