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Need TTTLA comics, we suffering !

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--- Quote from: scypior on March 20, 2012, 02:04:19 pm ---Desert Europe had problems exactly because of that - big group is hard to manage (it's not like we don't want any help).

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Actually we have 3 developers, who are active - in the past was  there 15.,
We have still nobody who can make roleplay/dialogs etc, and only this is shit.
I did manage all logistic and was really good in big group, but only to the time when people did hear and make my logistic plane.

But that did change: "Xenom say do this. But i can make what I want...///Yes Xenom, i will finish it in 3 days(1month)//Yes Xenom I will finish it in 3 days(2months)//Yes Xenom i will finish it in 3 days(3months)"-the same speech always, that people did destroy project in final progress.

From the time i am thinking that maby Shangalar did try to make small "dictature", but he did has many right about people, and small dictature in big team is needed.
FOnline tactics is based on his and TTTLA ideas/sugestions about gameplay: only 2 factions to choose on beggining, only real time PvP...
I am very interested what will be effect of that solutions.

Fode server need 7-10 activ people and one to manage.
But as you know if you are taking new person to team, than you must teach them "How to" - and you can loose time when they run away.
Now we are wokrking very slowly and make new team in other much easier fonline tactics project.
Finaly if nothing will change, than will win my idea about making open source server, where almost every can add something.

And to Shangalar. Personaly, not from fode. I can say it on public, becouse in my opinion You did have many right about people, than sorry for the past, and forgive me. That was really hard to take good decision when I was on other people oppression.

As i did say, i will continue working on fode open/close source, but few people from group must take decision, what exacly thay want, make something or f%$% out from developing.

You wrote a small wall of text, xenom. I hate to say this but it's the topic about the Cryo's comics, isn't it?

Cryo said me that he will make a comic about this topic. So keep debating.

OK then. So in my opinion FODE was threaten as too serious buisness by some of it's developers. Guys chill out, you won't make money on this project anyways. Don't worry. It happens when promises are bigger than reality.


--- Quote from: Oliver on March 20, 2012, 03:17:53 pm ---In any case you need in more ammount of GMs.

--- End quote ---

There are enough Gay..Game Masters around....


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