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Author Topic: Piece of shit game?  (Read 58609 times)


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Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #165 on: March 10, 2012, 05:12:50 pm »

This is a multiplayer game , players need to work together in order to achieve something , those who do have no problems everything piles up so quickly after few weeks of playing you have equipment for the rest of the season. There are those factions where each member has his own base where he keeps stuff , so no wonder why their always so slow in the beginning of wipe for example , then you can hear how hard is to obtain stuff from those members.

Actually if you're good, you can do everything faster alone than in a group. I farm faster alone than with friends, do quests alone faster. Going to hunt with allies means you have to split loot and wait for them and whatever. Unless they are turbofarmers like you, they just slow you down.
Some features are built so that you need multiple players to participate, but that's avoidable with proxy. They aren't exactly built so that you need the help of other people because they are too hard, but so that you just need multiple people to participate in it. Example is the newest mutant killing quest in boneyard. Totally doable alone, if you can start the quest.
It's not that stuff is hard to get alone, but you need to exploit and powerplay ruthlessly to get it. Everything is accessible to loner if he just is ready to spend enormous ammounts of time in it and do what it takes.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #166 on: March 11, 2012, 02:29:05 am »

Devs are working diligently to "finish (off)" game lol
now if you pesky hard core players would just go away....
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?


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Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #167 on: March 11, 2012, 05:04:11 am »

Actually if you're good, you can do everything faster alone than in a group. I farm faster alone than with friends, do quests alone faster. Going to hunt with allies means you have to split loot and wait for them and whatever. Unless they are turbofarmers like you, they just slow you down.
Some features are built so that you need multiple players to participate, but that's avoidable with proxy. They aren't exactly built so that you need the help of other people because they are too hard, but so that you just need multiple people to participate in it. Example is the newest mutant killing quest in boneyard. Totally doable alone, if you can start the quest.
It's not that stuff is hard to get alone, but you need to exploit and powerplay ruthlessly to get it. Everything is accessible to loner if he just is ready to spend enormous ammounts of time in it and do what it takes.
Well the best way is to share a base with people you trust then you don't have to split loot and slow down. That is the way the game is suppose to be a few people get a base together farm and share their loot with eachother, but base rape paranioa kind is the draw back. Its more fun to play with people than alone.

But yes a good turn base build with lots of super stims is way to do it alone or gather some slaves or mercaneries would be one way to make it easier for the solo player. I think a starter guide for this session would help. But I think the main draw back is resource depletion kind of makes it difficult to start becuase crafting a gun isn't so easy.

You know I'm almost thinking of making a thread for suggestions for starting noob or something for this wipe. I haven't seen any type of threads other than bitching about the game is difficult for new comers but no good advice.
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #168 on: March 11, 2012, 07:44:39 am »

Yep. This and i would add: devs want to cut every feature, that makes players life easier, even if DOESNT BREAK GAMEPLAY for other players. Example? SMG removed from stron slavers. SMG is shit anyway, if you want to pwn players in pvp (and strons slavers had only jhp ammo!), but someone figured that this is too easy to get nice pve gun. Solar wants everybody to be nolife, and grind whole day to get shit, which isnt even worth anything for merchants around wasteland.

Sad thruth.I don t give a fuck if major gang got zounds of mid tier gear:to nerf them is unfair that newbies (not noob,i mean normal players with a social life) suffers inaccessibility to major part of goods,even mid tier ones.

In the end,proxy armies got carpets of CA anyway.While normal player gets no fun.
People is so scared to lose their precious stuff that only do minor stuff pvp,or just abuse sneaking,is that fair..?I'm more than competitive in most of fights with a decent build,a leather armor and a wakizashi.In the same gear i would have been a walking dead in previous season.

So: No major stuff pvp,no hunting alone because it's too hard in real time and too boring in turn base,no hunting in party because of lack of interesting rewards,no TC because it s just chit chatting and killing random low tier guys,what's left buddies...?Oh yeah,RP.Let's wait for it to be nerfed.

I m afraid this will be the last season if things doesn t change quickly.And i am very sad about that.

But WORST,WORST of all,imho:For the first time,you can't do shit until you get lvl 24.NOTHING.So,X hours of grinding before having the right to have some fun..?Ohh My.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 07:48:45 am by Rain »
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #169 on: March 11, 2012, 11:55:44 pm »

Novice players won't play?  So the point of the new session is to only make the game playable by people who've played it before.  Damn I wish I had read that somewhere in the Dev's posts.  Should this game be a hand held walk in the park?  NO, but FFS there has got to be a limit.  The only way a community survives is with some form of limit, it's Great that Avv can do soo much alone, but if that's the point of the game, then go play FO 1-2, Try the restoration pack for FO2.  This is a multiplayer game, and if you basically can't interact with other players why make it a multiplayer game?  I've been here for several wipes, I played for MONTHS before my first post ever hit these forums, I play this game and I attempt to test this game, the problem is soo many people benefit from the broken or poorly implemented parts of this game that they're really frightened by the thought of those things changing.  I've played numerous games, some were Grind games, others were instant reward games, my least favorite are the Sit and Wait for a timer games.  FOnline is a decent game on the outside, but once you get in yeah we're looking at a LOT wrong.

I have to agree that I don't fully understand the removal of 10mm SMG from low level stuff, I mean yeah it was a troll bursters dream, but it was also a very nice thing for lower level people to have.  Not uber powerful, but nice enough that it was worth working for, now you can't get it from highwayman or slavers, and basically can't craft it either, at least before yeah it took better materials but you didn't have to go halfway across creation just to make it.  I mean with the way gear in the game falls apart anyhow having half broken ones on npcs shouldn't be a bad thing, you can't even repair the shit back to 100% like last session.  I know that the devs are working hard, but as I've said you CANNOT build a game with this much freedom when soo much of the gameplay relies on the interactions of players with other players, because if people can hide away from the consequences they turn into little children with a magnifying glass and an ant hill, no matter their age.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #170 on: March 12, 2012, 05:51:43 am »

I think people forget far too often; This is a game that is created by few people, with no budget and on their own time. In turn, we get to play for free and if you are a decent person and can afford it- you can also help them by donating a few dollars here and there.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect, because everyone has a different idea about what 'perfect' is. I think they've done a great job trying to appeal to everyone playing the game, and that is an incredibly difficult task. I've been testing games for the last 8 years, and have also been an avid gamer since I first stumbled across a PC probably 15+ years ago. Even with a full team of devs, testers, admins... trying to make everyone happy is an impossible task. Now try doing that in a 'hardcore' based game, and you are better off beating your head against a wall. I'm sure that's how the devs feel trying to appeal to people here. DarkFall would be a great example of that.

Even companies with a seemingly bottomless pit of resources cannot ever hope to please everyone. Take a game like Entropia, a real cash economy game, with real risk and reward. They have been trying to cater to people for the last 10 years, and in my opinion they have, but for some reason the forums are still filled with people bickering about what 'they' think the game should be like. Now if they listened to everyone, the game would be dead. The same goes for FOnline, if the devs were to listen to every gripe and complain, this game would be nothing.

After being back to FOnline the last few weeks, at first I was concerned about all the changes and jumped the gun thinking it was just all wrong. But after doing a few quests, reading the wiki extensively, and drudging through the forum, I realized it really isn't so bad. My experience thus far has been pretty good. There are a few ups and downs to the mechanics of the game, but that is to be expected.

My only complaint would be the amount of alts that are required to play, and that is only because the devs aren't limiting accounts. But there is a double edge to every sword in online gaming, because should they limit accounts it's easy enough to get around. The point is, no matter what they do to try and overcome exploits and bugs, there is always a way around it. Just by seeing a few posts about the old login timer, anyone could put 2 and 2 together. They tried to implement a system, and people found a way around it. The game isn't incredibly hard if you put your mind to it, and even as a solo player the obstacles have been few and far between.  I made a crafter and a combat character, it took me all of a few hours to shovel shit and gather enough for my first few crafting skills. I even tried my hand blueprint farming and found 2 within a few hours. Now I was also leveling a character while doing this, so it wasn't as tedious. I'm sure as you venture to higher tiered items it's not as easy, but personally I'm glad it isn't. It definitely is not impossible to get somewhere without help. In fact, I found it incredibly easy after a couple hours.

If people just got the idea of "grind to the top before there is any fun" out of their heads, I'm sure more people would be much happier. You can't base your idea of fun off of what other people do. The most fun I have is working to get there, trying new things out, seeing what works best in certain situations. If people enjoy power grinding to 24 and going around raping with CA and the best guns out there, all the power to them, but it's not stopping my enjoyment of the game. There are pvp servers out there, it only took a few seconds on google to figure that out. The TLA server isn't half bad either if you are looking for something a little easier. There is still quite a bit in Russian, but overall I had a good experience playing there.

I can't comment on the TC or pvp aspect, so I'll leave it at that. Some people seem to enjoy ir and some don't judging from other threads. However from past experience, pleasing pvp'ers is one of the most daunting tasks in any game ever made. It's always being reworked, revamped, and rebalanced.  The hope is for a happy medium which never comes. You have to adapt and overcome, or simply not participate if it doesn't appeal to you. Go dig up some old UO stuff and it will hit you pretty fast how difficult things can be.

It's a free game, that they are under no obligation to provide to anyone, but are because they enjoy doing it. I think they've done a damn good job so far, and I have high hopes for what they can accomplish in the future. I also believe they are trying their best to make an MMO version of FO that actually works. Nothing is perfect and never will be, such is life. This is no way directed to anyone who has previously posted, I randomly skimmed through the thread and am offering my opinion on how I see things.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 05:55:01 am by Deadeye »
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #171 on: March 12, 2012, 07:15:38 am »

Dude most of the people here know how to play the game, the problem is we remember the times when we had 500-600 people online, and we Would like to have 800-1000 ( if more the grid system would have to be changed, or space between locations and grids made bigger )
The problem is with all this grind, mines and digging ore ( I will never understand why they implemented this one, We dont need crafting at all You hear me sadists ...?) buffed NPCs, U will never have more than 200 people playing this game, more than that old players got tired of all this bullshit and quit this grindfest and simulator of waiting ( I quit the game when they brough sneak back to game a year ago, since that time i only play from time to time and its enough to make me puke and delete the game), if a player like me who used to love this game, cannot stand the new updates and the same thing 99% new players say, then something must be wrong dont you think ? Make a test, get a friend, make him test this game, if somehow he will be able to install this game find out how fast hes gonna puke, delete the game and throw his pc out of a window , repeat the test, get another friend .... Great job Solar.
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #172 on: March 12, 2012, 08:09:23 am »

I stopped reading when I saw 'crafting needs to be removed'. If you believe that is why this server is underpopulated, you are completely lost as to what satisfies gamers. I think more in-depth crafting is needed as a stimulant for more people to find an interest. You've obviously never seen the TLA Mk2 server, which is pretty much always more populated than this server...oh and the crafting is incredibly hard and in-depth. Not to mention the waiting times are on par with the wait times this server used to have. And it's no where near dead... mind boggling. More quests, more scenery in random encounters.

Crafting also isn't my first choice in any game, but I do enjoy anything that adds depth in a meaningful way. I remember playing this server a while ago when you could only gather so much junk/wood etc, and then have to wait over and I can't really see what your complaint is. The crafting here is so incredibly simple, and not to mention you don't need to craft to get anything. Not only is it simple but gathering is hard? Christ, it took me maybe an hour to put together enough to make quite a few sets of armor and weapons. You can kill stuff, sell it to NPC's and get almost everything you need. Wow, what a concept. It appeals to BOTH sides of the field. Who would've thought. You can also join a faction that already has people who like to craft, and help them to help you.

So no, sir, I don't believe you know how to play the game. Being back after a week and I could put that logic together, something must be wrong.
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #173 on: March 12, 2012, 08:26:44 am »

I just said that I dont get why they implemented it, its not why i stopped playing ... Why do people have to craft lets say cas?
Now u need a bp and stuff to cr8 an armor, why dont make quests that will let you get the stuff and armors You need.
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #174 on: March 12, 2012, 09:02:05 am »

Maybe i was too rude before.I love fonline,even in this shitty session and i would never EVER leave it.Apart from the infinite discussions about feature we might,ALL of us,lost the point of this game.Dev's make it harder because last session everyone was bored of tons of stuff around.But,even with last session level of difficulty,if we make the the game accessible to more people,who cares if we have tons of stuff if we have 1000+ guys on the server and new things may happen everyday..?We would never get bored with limitless amount of people to kill-interact with.Let's forget about stuff.Let's think more about people.IMHO ofc.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #175 on: March 12, 2012, 01:15:21 pm »

Rain, you are mixing two different things together. Server population has nothing to do with ammount of stuff we have in game. Proof? Last season everyone had millions of caps, lots of armors, weapons and other stuff, yet people were complaining all the time. Nowadays getting any caps is much harder than in previous session, trading is harder, logistics (transporting items and players) is more problematic (due to the lack of caps for a car) and so on.

Not everyone is able to accept the fact, that this game is played by various types of players. I met many players who love to craft and hoard stuff. People, who have never been interested in any player vs. player fight (that doesn't mean that they don't like encountering other players!). All players from this group I knew have already left the server. Why? Don't ask me, since I'm not a crafter it's hard to say what is wrong.

Another group are powergamers, they can spend hours doing a boring repetitive task which they don't find entertaining, however their motivation moves them forward. Once they have all the best stuff they can get, once a week they join some action, fight and after that they just launch another game.

These are only examples, how complicated and varied FOnline playerbase is. I think the most stable is the following one. Players who play to have a constant action. Players like me. Quality is not the main measure, quantity is. Lots of you were laughing at players not having the proper gear, coming only in bluesuit with a cheap equipment and called them "trolls". The truth is that stuff they had is already gone and of course there is no room for crafting or farming when there is an action going on. I don't say that all people should play this way, I only wanted to point out kinds of players playing this game. It's obvious, that this game has nothing to offer to some players and there will always be people who will enjoy it.


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Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #176 on: March 12, 2012, 04:57:17 pm »

ok, here is how i see this game split up

1. world map travel/encounters (PvE)
2. mining/crafting
3. fighting in cities and on encounters(PvP)
4. leveling/character building
5. items
6. chatting/rp

world map travel is somewhat slow, but this isn't the issue. the issue here is that with 26% outdoorsman skill, there's TOO MANY ENCOUNTERS ON THE WORLD MAP!!!!
hell, i get sometimes 2-3 encounters in ONE SQUARE!!!!!!! ONE!
luckily i have a car that helps ALOT to move me from point A to point B

now onto the encounters. YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING USEFUL IN ENCOUNTERS. besides this, some NPC's are incredibly buffed for the shitty items they carry. before the wipe you could enter an NCR Army encounter vs mutants, you could get your hands on a flamer, hell even m60. there used to be BOS vs mutants encounters where you could get a minigun or rocket launcher if you were lucky. now it's insanely difficult and/or annoying getting some types of guns. hell, before the wipe there used to be VARIATION in the guns you could get from encounters. now only greasers and shitty pistols, because "LETS MAKE THIS GAME MORE DIFFICULT".
guys i'll let you in a piece of information. the changes that make the game more "difficult" make the game more TEDIOUS. this game's difficulty comes with the number of players, not the fact that you can't even get a bloody 10mm SMG in encounters now.
god forbid i encounter 2-3 mutants at time. oh no! i have to encounter ALL THE TIME 8-10 mutants, i need a faction to take them down.

crafting this session IS A JOKE!! you know why? because hunting for blueprints is a joke. hell, i'd agree with the blueprint system if it weren't so incredibly TEDIOUS and BORING, requiring YET ANOTHER ALT to do this job. and hell, i'd agree with the blueprint system more if it would've been available only for somewhat rare items. or heck, it would be cool if you could buy blueprints from gun dealers. you want a crafter only for SMG's and 10mm rounds? no problem, you go to a gun dealer, buy a 10mm SMG blueprint for 500 caps or 1000 caps, whatever price matters less.
advanced workbench at military base (hell, ANY unguarded area it might be in) is a J O K E!
that elevator only allows one person to go in, so if you attack that place with 10 people trying to clear the area you can't because that shitty elevator only works with one character. :/

mining is yet another joke. no gathering cooldowns, forcing people to have MORE MINER ALTS with 200KG carryweight or guys that show up with brahmins to take all the resources.

PvP is a joke. now with quick-relogging even more common and easier, it's a game of whoever has more alts on the freakin' world map.
battles nowadays are pure shit because sneakers are overpowered. (grenade sneakers mostly)
you attack someone everywhere, he brings his WM backups.
there should be either timeout to log, or penalty to combat skills as jovanka suggested.
i'd suggest that penalty to last 5 minutes.

level cap increased to level 24 was a pretty good idea.
character building doesn't have the variation is was SUPPOSED to have with all these extra perks. hell, sneaker,unarmed+melee, and burster and that's it. snipers are fucking useless and they will be even MORE useless with AC cap removed. it's not like there's anti-crit perks making even finesse builds quite useless.
hell this session encouraged ALTING WAY TOO MUCH!! you need miner alt, barter alt, science alt (because most the times the mines are empty), lockpicker/traps alt (for footlockers and BP hunting), several PvP alts, scout alts, etc...

jinxed trait should be removed from this game IMO, it's just troll crap. modifying knockdown on heavy handed will make getting guns even more a pain in the ass. apparently guys who suggested lowering the knockdown rate haven't heard of the "in your face" perk.

now to talk about items. hell, is it just me or BG and EW are incrediblky hard to find? hell, even certain small guns are now a pain in the arse to get. (10mm SMG, 14mm pistol, etc)
there's just no point in farming for miniguns and other hardcore shit because you'll just get raped by SD grenadier. just ain't worth it.
all the armor you find in encounters is made of cardboard, breaks down INCREDIBLY EASY.

hell there's so much crap to say, the bottom line is that if you wanna get more players make this game like it was before the wipe. before the wipe it was fairly balanced, right now it's a... joke.
and also STOP MAKING THIS GAME HARDER, because not everyone's got free 24 hours a day to hunt for BP's and do other useless and tedious shit.

i'm not even gonna elaborate anything here since there's nothing to elaborate. nobody gives a crap about RP.



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Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #177 on: March 12, 2012, 07:09:03 pm »

someone close this post now please!


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Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #178 on: March 12, 2012, 07:51:58 pm »

someone close this post now please!
Then they will find another "place" to practise an art of hating.
Re: Piece of shit game?
« Reply #179 on: March 12, 2012, 08:28:11 pm »

Then they will find another "place" to practise an art of hating.

Look at this. At first, its mostly complaining about actual issues... but when u have absolutely no feedback (or feedback like: "wasteland is harsh" "everything is intended, go get yourself outa here") you start rage really quick.
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