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Proxy and multi-logging (Spitted from: Fonline lolpics)

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once again they were for last sesion :)
this sesion brought many changes and many old rules arent actual now. i am not aruge with you about basic rules but what is "breaking the game". lets hope Scypior will see this post and make his official statment. see ya crying "sherif" jovanka

Those rules about dual log are old. We need new ones and fast. Otherwise there's gonna be a mess.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on March 05, 2012, 07:15:12 pm ---Oh yes I can. Will be more work than with normal multilogs, but doable. More work will be balanced by permabans.
And somehow you don't laugh anymore :( Lets go back to lolpics.

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I know a thing or two , you won't be able to do anything much unless you recognize who's character belong to who , that's kinda not enough to ban people but if you know you can check , that way avoiding banning single clients on blacklisted proxies but nothing more. Almost the same as it's always been , only more work for you.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on March 05, 2012, 07:20:29 pm ---I don't. Any kind of using multilogs in ongoing PvP is forbidden. End of story.

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End of Story.

Further, where there is any doubt about it, GM opinion on the matter wins. If they think you are cheating for an advantage - then you are.

If you are to use multi log for anything, like creating a shared tent, then you better be sure it is obviously not to gain an advantage in combat.

Just use common sense ffs. Clearly, using a second char in city ,whatever is his purpose, just gives you advantage (even if it was a slight one)


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