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Proxy and multi-logging (Spitted from: Fonline lolpics)

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using drugs is advantage to so ban all junkies.

Dark Angel:
It's time to buy proxy server, as you wish Jovanka.


--- Quote from: Sarakin on March 05, 2012, 08:34:05 pm ---Just use common sense ffs. Clearly, using a second char in city ,whatever is his purpose, just gives you advantage (even if it was a slight one)

--- End quote ---

I actually don't care common sense or whatever i started to play this game with these kind of rules , no problem for me to understand that. I wish jovanka would fight for this fast reloging more , as it is much more of an issue than dual log has ever been. That's the thing dual log has always been some slight advantage and still don't , some eyes here and there near grids to not get backstabbed and taxis to organize faster nothing gamebreaking , every team was using it before and i didn't see it as some kind of advantage. Nothing has changed about dual logs from previous season other than fast reloging replacing some of the features what dual log provided before.

Last session for you to have many characters on WM you had to use many dual logs to use them efficiently , now you with only fast relog can use multiple ready characters to fight or just scout whenever you need without dual log , it's not like you can use two characters at the same time in combat.

So this crusade by jovanka seems like a time waste for everyone , don't see what good it will bring. Rules are rules i guess , what will happen is jovanka spending much time catching dual loggers and people leveling up their characters , some teams will maybe buy some proxies if jovanka will be relentless and in the end of the day pointless.

It's like reducing the amount of cheaters but providing more advantage who still does.

Its her time, let her decide what she does want to do with it. Being backstabbed is part of PvP, if you want to prevent that by normal means, you need to allocate some real players to certain spots => less people for actual fighting. Taxiing wasnt mentioned here, so its out of question.
If something was used before and blindly tolerated, it does not mean it was allowed or accepted. Things are changing you know, and if some GMs are willing to spend their time to prevent cheating, I appreciate it.

You should never need to multi/fast log in the first place. Fix this and then it will be clear than all multi/fast logers are just sad cheaters (and should be fed to the rancor baned).


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