stop playing smartass with me because you fail miserably. read my posts carefully.i need arguments as to why this cap shouldn't be removed. all i seen so far from your side is NOTHING.
Main problem is that those guys with max ac jinxed/HH will be pretty trololo chars especially with in ur face perk and kd in every hit, and nothing to lose
then if you ADMIT it's a problem, why do you want it removed?you make no fucking sense, kid
Ofc that removin' ac limit would make this game harder 4 gunners.It won't make gameplay more ridiculous, but more realistic.Why the hell every gunner that I meet in F2238 has Eastwood's aim?Yes, I know. It is still only a game. It ain't supposed to be ultra realistic.But IT AIN'T FREAKIN' POSSIBLE TO HIT EVERYONE YOU MEET IN HIS/HER EYE FROM 100 METERS.Also! Devs spent a lot of time makin' perks.Leavin' ac limit where it stands, would waste part of theirs work.