Other > Faction Announcements

Challenge to The Lost Children

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The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: Ymeogamaouas on February 17, 2012, 10:45:55 am ---I can verify that TLC are a friendly enough faction.

I joined recently and though I was indeed asked to help the other new people by providing brahmin leathers and helping some members get theirs I wouldnt call it slavery by a long shot.

In return the "newbie" base was fully open to me to craft, had materials to craft and basic weapons/armor so that when I would die I could continue to play without having to spend many hours 'rebuilding'.

I havent logged on in a couple of days with Burnaman but yea TLC is one of the few actually friendly factions out there...

--- End quote ---

The Lost Children thankyou for your kind words. We do not ask that anyone speak up for us, but we're so very humbled we have people standing behind us.

And to Gimp:

You cannot justify your actions by calling us slaves, or by trying to use any trickery to pull the wool over the masses eye's. You say we enslave our new recruits?  You raided the base that the new recruits put together.  They base that they called home, and THEY worked to make better... YOU ruined it for them.

So please, if you're going to be a raider, do it, but don't try pulling out your White Knight armor now.

Continue feeding off others, and don't try to cover up what you are.

Haha, Bricks was raging yesterday at NCR. He's also Mad Maxx btw.

So all this said just to come to the fact that that TLC are still nutless cowards? Grow a pair Soul, then come talk to me. Conversation over. I will no longer post in this topic.

wtf are you talking about? slaves? TLC is by far the most fiendly faction in the waste and im proud to be in it.. and a challenge?? pistols at dawn? haha you are pathetic.. you should grow a pair, rape a base is for cowards scumb like you.. youre just another gutless pk

... i dont get it why dont tlc just fight? none of there crafters have unarmed taged?? trololololololololololol
really tlc just fight them..... be a real faction when another faction calls you on you fight them dont back down that just shows you are really not a faction and just a small group of crafters who stay in base all day.... like gimper said GROW A PAIR.


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