Other > Faction Announcements

Challenge to The Lost Children

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The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: falloutdude on February 17, 2012, 08:06:34 pm ---... i dont get it why dont tlc just fight? none of there crafters have unarmed taged?? trololololololololololol
really tlc just fight them..... be a real faction when another faction calls you on you fight them dont back down that just shows you are really not a faction and just a small group of crafters who stay in base all day.... like gimper said GROW A PAIR.

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There is nothing to prove.  We have stated why we exist, we do not stray from that path. We're not pacifists, but we do not fight for sport.  Again, there is absolutely nothing to prove.


--- Quote from: The Lost Children on February 17, 2012, 08:16:33 pm ---There is nothing to prove.  We have stated why we exist, we do not stray from that path. We're not pacifists, but we do not fight for sport.  Again, there is absolutely nothing to prove.

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You are right. You have nothing to prove. I have proved it all. You are ALL cowards. You have not taught your faction to survive, you've only taught them how to hide from the wastes and craft. There is no survival skills being taught there. "Bricks" and "Tonabricks" offered to settle in a fight, and you didn't even have enough balls to fight over PIXELS!!! You were challenged, and backed down. No respectable leader would do that. We did not do this secretly. We have done this openly to prove a point. The point is to show any noob that wants to join YOUR faction, how gutless the leader of TLC really is. If the leader of a faction cant stand up to a challenge, then NO member can be proud to call this faction their own. We dont need what we took from you, it was done because we COULD do it. Now if that dosen't show leadership, nothing does. Now this is to the recruits of TLC, so listen up! If you want your hard work to be for yourself, and not for someone elses benifet, then band together and take what is yours! And as for the ones I named on the TLC activeboard, they were innocent, but without further investigation, they were excluded from TLC, without question. This shows a paranoid, reckless leader. I have shown my point. Enough said.

The Lost Children:
You spent way too long on that. Especially after saying you're done with the thread.

The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: Gimper on February 17, 2012, 06:45:17 pm --- Conversation over. I will no longer post in this topic.

--- End quote ---


The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: Gimper on February 17, 2012, 08:47:30 pm ---And as for the ones I named on the TLC activeboard, they were innocent, but without further investigation, they were excluded from TLC, without question. This shows a paranoid, reckless leader. I have shown my point. Enough said.

--- End quote ---

They were removed for their own protection. There's no point in allowing them access to their "safehaven" if it's currently being raided.

You're a moron, again. Good raid... but stop trying to pull out your white armor. You're no saint.


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