Hello there, i´ve been thinking about these ideas...
1: A Hardcore mode and/or "Test Mode" available in the game, which could be useful for a lot of purposes i shall describe bellow, and its open to a big discussion, hoping to not having any unnecessary trolling...i just wish developers give me theyr opinion on it...
Remember, This is
MY WAY of suggesting it, i just want to know if developers would take any of the ideas proposed here, and if so, just adapt them to theyr personal taste

These "modes" could involve various things:
Regarding the "Test Mode"
A:Basic description: A Quicker way and "ingame" possibility for character "build" testings (the planner is a great tool, but sometimes it has some stuff which cant be verified anywhere else but in game, often requiring you to have the char maxxed up) and involving boring grinding which
IMO for being a OBT, its rather unnecesary to have to lvl so many characters and then end up using few of them, also its a bit compulsive that few players will even care to delete a char they dumped (dunno if this could trouble the server in any way either), maybe only deleting in case they want to reuse the name...
B: This could be added as a "trait" or something similar in the character creation screen or with other ideas which can be furthered by community feedback
C: Regarding the "Test Mode" The point of this mode is making this "trait" giving you only
ONE wasteland life, but infinite lives in hinkley or maybe a limited number of respawns..(sorry for this, as i dont know the coding i cant say how does it works), but i could say something like..if the test character dies outside of hinkley, when he "goes to respawn" he just gets deleted...while in hinkley he can still be used for testing.
A Good side note to this idea is that developers could make these kind of characters have a sort of lifespan similar to tents...if you dont use it for 1 week or so, it gets deleted or something , to prevent database flood with a lot unused of characters.. because..at least for me, its exagerated for a maximum of 400 players online, the server having like 80k characters in the ending of the wipe (and maybe the number was higher, i cant remember exactly)
D: Lvling up The test character should be through a NPC giving xp for making it faster, a NPC which ONLY talks to "Test Characters" it could be placed maybe in a special location map designed for test characters aswell, for preventing any kind of exploit, i dunno, i guess the npc idea is already enough...
E: Finally, this could be a great help for any player who wants to enjoy an extremely hardcore character..hahaha it can be a good challenge, and with this i`ll start the hardcore mode description
Hardcore mode
2:Well, As the name suggests, it could replace the loner trait or maybe merge with it or..be another trait, giving this kind of character worth a try at least...
Increased capabilities up to debate, maybe in combat and/or survival like outdoors or even crafting, but of course, he has
limited lives.The boost the character could receive is extended lvl cap or HP,
faster leveling(just faster,not instant) due to its limited lives,there could be some specific special perks aswell, reduced gathering timers, maybe special quests or additional options like the possibility of unlocking quests/endgame weapons/items (dont start raging at this, please, but i always thought that having a mortal character, a bit stronger, but mortal isnt a bad idea) or having advanced bases, just for hardcore players or anything you would like to discuss, making it reasonable to worth a try...
On a side note, to prevent having overpowered characters, for example uber merc leaders, or uber crafters hidden in gunrunners factory (in case someone makes something like this, for its hardcore condition he would need to do special quests /tasks constantly, to keep him alive thus making him getting into the wasteland risking his life

for the sake of some roleplay attached to his "hardcore" condition aswell as preventing the aboozes mentioned before
Maybe this could open possibilities like more exploring, pve raids, special locations designed for the hardcore explorers, hardcore character factions, character protection game modes up to players or
in a way like town control, or if not just having special units which really need to be protected..well, actually it has many possibilities
If you could manage to introduce something like this, i would say that it can described as mini chosen ones, which would have to play serious in order to survive, and maybe could act as vip targets for enemies in case they are used for pvp, offering a new type of faction action maybe? ..well theres a lot of possibilities here again:)
This would require a lot of care and seriousness when playing, since the characters arent immortal, maybe a little better character start for some roleplay and harsh wasteland feeling hahaha, but there would be a need to find a strong balance with all these ideas...
in the end the "Hardcore Mode" could be introduced aiming to offer more gameplay style or possibilities, it would keep the server with more people and make it more diverse and pleasant to play
Even the name could be changed, im just sharing my thoughts
if developers feel the post needs an expansion, ill anwser the replies and continue editing the post, adding further suggestion or expanding it

Well feel free to comment
