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Author Topic: big guns build  (Read 2029 times)

big guns build
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:24:54 am »

hi, i would like to know if this BG char would be any viable in a game as a figter against enviroment and players as well.
it would be nice if he could do some basic crafting and i would pump repair up to 50% untagged. but for ammo for even M60
one needs big guns(2) and 100% repair, which would certainly require it be tagged.

it goes like this:

S 7
P 8
E 8
C 1
I 6
A 6
L 5

small frame
fast metabolism (chem resistant)

big guns
firs aid


big guns
outdoor (fa?)

3.quick recovery / adrenaline rush
6.even more critcital
9.even tougher
15.lifegiver+ of steel
21.more ranged damage (+3)

should end up with:
220 hp
damage tresh:5

sci:50 for swift learner but probably wothless. or maby put those points in doc to 75% for faster healing?

Re: big guns build
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 11:16:47 am »

I would take Lifegiver++ instead of toughness.

Also no need for BG lvl2, cause you can easily farm m60 ammo.
Just tag: BG, doc, rep (and if rep is not 50 in that case, pump those missing points).

Nice build though, but i cant tell you how effective gonna be your criticals.
The shit is that your agility is horrible, and you cant even take Brof. So i suggest to:

take 1lk instead of 5. Those 4 points going to: END and AG.
For compensate critical chance, take more critical on 3lvl.
24lvl perk: choose between lifegiver++ and Brof, but i can tell you that 9AP and no brof is too low IMHO.

PS: 200% BG is a lil too low, i would pump it a little.


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Re: big guns build
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 11:38:21 am »

omg...making builds inst so hard...really if u want some simple non drugged build use :
sml fr/bone head
10ap 247hp 210bg.138fa.110doc
really it isnt so hard...
Re: big guns build
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 12:47:05 pm »

thanks for suggestions. you're right with the AG, but since all or most big weapons require 7ap
then for two shots per round i'd need 10Ag + two action boys and Brof on the top, which would affect the perk list quite heavily,
also i can't take more crit on 3lvl 'cause theres no way i get Big Guns above 100% before third lvl unfortunately.

maybe dump the LK to 1 and have 10AG and be able to shoot and reload or run around a little in one round.

about the criticals, i wonder if the chance of a crit. is applied to each bullet in burst or to burst itself, if to one bullet at the time, having higher crit chance would be cool:)

Re: big guns build
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 12:50:01 pm »

I have to admit that it has been a (long) while since i played a big-gunner but i would probably switch the "even more criticals" with one of the "bonus ranged damage" perks. I guess the overall average damage output would be higher that way.

Especially if you decide to lower your luck even more, then you end up with 11% crit chance and it is not worth taking the "even more crits" perk imho.
Re: big guns build
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 01:04:28 pm »

Ohh sorry i didnt realize that you gonna play in turn based mode. If so, then yes - youre right, brof isnt suitable for you. In RT, every AP makes difference... huge difference.

About more critical, its not a problem, bacause 3lvl perk you can take on 4th, or even 5th level without any bad consequences. You just have to remember, take it before 6th lvl, cause if not, you lost that first perk.

Suggestion about BRD instead of critical perks is reasonable for me. BRD + BRD + MRD is pretty devastating anyway, you dont need critical bursts (but i have to admit that havent tried critical bg this session, so maybe im assuming wrong).

You can also mess with 5 st + weapon handling on 3rd lvl. And then give up with small frame, so = you have +1 SPECIAL point, and more carryweight. If you want to mine a little (which you want, considering beeing BG crafter lvl1) this can me nice. Downside is -2HP, but its minor thing i guess.

Also, if you want to play TB, i suggest to take Bonus Move at some point. Those 2 AP are great if you make ambush in some city tile - you have exactly additional points to step out, shoot, and hide around the corner.


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Re: big guns build
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 01:16:15 pm »

Ohh sorry i didnt realize that you gonna play in turn based mode. If so, then yes - youre right, brof isnt suitable for you. In RT, every AP makes difference... huge difference.

And there is no need to have more AP in TB? o.0

If you are about to deal with other players on encounters 2 x burst is the most important thing. Even 3 x brd is shitty when you have one burst in turn against 2 x burst.

I got build with 247 hp, 12 ap + bonus move, 2 thougness, 2 x action boy. I dont have BRD, I know they are quite important, but I prefer having more dmg resistance.

This is an experimental build, maybe you would if it helpful:!id=3012&pass=bgtrololo

This char should use cigs and nuka.

You can leave bg skill at 180% and then increase repair to 100% for BG lvl prof.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 01:31:41 pm by Kombajn »
Currently retired.
Re: big guns build
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 02:14:39 pm »

i gave up on w.handling 'cause i thought i couldn't take it as a first perk, was always afraid of loosing it if i didint select it at the lvlvup.
with w.handling it could be like this:

S   P   E   C   I   A   L
5   8  10   1   7  8   1

with small frame

S   P   E   C   I   A   L
7   8   10  1   6   8  1

both with brof instead of toughness at the end.
combining w. handling and small frame for 10AG is tempting but i couldnt carry a shit.

i know the brd is probably more reliable but i just want to try out those crits:)

the two bursts seems also very handy if not decisive for fights but i couldnt take the more crits nor man of steel.
Re: big guns build
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 09:47:38 pm »

And there is no need to have more AP in TB? o.0

Thats not what i wrote. Check again.
IF you do not have 12APs for turn based char, then Brof is wasted perk.
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