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Author Topic: Why nerfs the sniper again?  (Read 3677 times)

Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2012, 08:57:00 pm »

I dont say that making avenger cheaper will solve the problem out. U will end up with everyone using avengers ...
The way it is now could have been OK if it was no full loot game, but it is.

Altough Aim shoots are overpowered , people who play >60 min a day will not let you change it. Hardcore players - no lifers dont care if u nerf BG, they are gonna waste time and farm/craft avengers just to have 10% more dps no matter what, on the other side little sniper nerf will make u read 50 page whine troll topic.

Actually, you DID say that playing a big gunner was too expensive compared to lower cost builds.  Now making it cheaper to play isn't going to help?

Do you even know what you're complaining about???  Because it keeps changing.
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2012, 11:57:05 pm »

Killy, my idea is not to nerf nor snipers or big gunners because fights between those are balanced - long range, sniper wins, close range, BG wrecks. My idea is to leave it as it is, but instead balance the PRICES so the cost of maintaining a well-doing sniper is similiar to this of a BGunner.
Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2012, 01:57:41 am »

No, I keep saying that the system is broken, cannot be balanced as it is now, no matter what u do people will never use small burst guns or shotguns, its either snipers or avenger bgs. When i say balanced i dont mean equal.
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2012, 03:01:44 am »

No, I keep saying that the system is broken, cannot be balanced as it is now, no matter what u do people will never use small burst guns or shotguns, its either snipers or avenger bgs. When i say balanced i dont mean equal.

If Assault Rifles had better range, damage closer to that of a sniper on single, and close to that of an avenger on burst, I guarantee you people would use them regardless of cost.  You said it yourself, we'll go to great lengths to obtain the extra 5% of anything we can.  If Mausers were the weapon that did the best damage, with the best range, people would use those.

Look at SD bursters, there were so many of them... because they did the damage.  They were OP like hell, so you saw that trend in the builds people were playing. 

Since little in this game is realistic, what do you suggest to fix a broken system??? 
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2012, 06:51:19 pm »

I just want to say that everyone is using eye shots because other body part shots aren't worth it.

I would love to see better limb shots. No one uses cripplers anymore because they're inferior  :'(
Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2012, 04:52:20 am »

I just want to say that everyone is using eye shots because other body part shots aren't worth it.

I would love to see better limb shots. No one uses cripplers anymore because they're inferior  :'(

Ahh... lol, you sure about that?
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: Why nerfs the sniper again?
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2012, 05:23:29 am »

Nope, not really sure
But I haven't seen many cripplers and big guns and sniper seems to be the talk of the town.
I mean I use a crippler but I just always aim for the eyes because I tried breaking someone's leg and that took me nowhere

I was hoping for an increase in chances to break a leg at the cost of decreasing damage when shooting at leg. And increased chances to drop weapon when shooting at hand at the same cost.
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