I dont say that making avenger cheaper will solve the problem out. U will end up with everyone using avengers ...The way it is now could have been OK if it was no full loot game, but it is.Altough Aim shoots are overpowered , people who play >60 min a day will not let you change it. Hardcore players - no lifers dont care if u nerf BG, they are gonna waste time and farm/craft avengers just to have 10% more dps no matter what, on the other side little sniper nerf will make u read 50 page whine troll topic.
No, I keep saying that the system is broken, cannot be balanced as it is now, no matter what u do people will never use small burst guns or shotguns, its either snipers or avenger bgs. When i say balanced i dont mean equal.
I just want to say that everyone is using eye shots because other body part shots aren't worth it.I would love to see better limb shots. No one uses cripplers anymore because they're inferior