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Author Topic: [Spoiler] Companion types and details  (Read 2263 times)

[Spoiler] Companion types and details
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:10:05 am »

I think we need to know more about companions so please share your knowledge with us and we share our:
   I want to know what types of companions you found, how many hp they had when you found them, and how many lvles you lvled up them and maybe you noticed something special like perks what perks on companions or strange behavior :D?

Personally I had found 4 companions. 2 melee, 1 big gunner and 1 grenade thrower. One melee was 88 hp I think(i discarded him). Other was 107 hp, and I lvled her maybe 5 lvl to 117 hp was quite easy so I guess she was lvl 1 and it seems they had other lvl rules than player critters. About Biggunner nothing to tell so far. Grenade thrower have 209 hp so its a lot but didnt tryed him in battle yet. All of them had metal armors except that guy with 88 hp, he had leather jacket :)

Edit: Grenade thrower dont give a damn about hes master just throwing grenade whenever he wants even when enemies is near him Also would be interesting to know if someone noticed dmg increase when he lvled up his compaions like 10 lvls.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 10:36:04 am by Eraus »

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Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 10:48:14 am »

My knowledge about companions : they have their S.P.E.C.I.A.L , so how's to measure it ?
+ for ST : let them carry stuffs until they cant run , include the armors , means they're overweight . Know their max carry weights = know their ST .
+ for AG : take all their weapons , lets them fight unarmed in a turn base encounter . See how far they can go each turn towards the enemies , that's their APs . Know their APs = know their AG .
+ for PE : give them a long range weapon , lets them fight in a turn base encounter . See how far they can shoot . Know their range = know their PE .
+ for EN : train them till they lvl up . Know their hp gain = know their EN .
+ for IN , LU , CH : Their LU will effect their crit hits in fights , but they dont do aim hits all times . Still dont know hows to calculate those stats .

In your case , your companion lvl up 5 times from 107hp to 117hp . That's 2hp gain per lvl , means she got 4 EN .
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 10:50:05 am by shadowsight »
Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2012, 11:38:47 am »

In your case , your companion lvl up 5 times from 107hp to 117hp . That's 2hp gain per lvl , means she got 4 EN .

Useful info u posted, but when I said that they are different from player I had in mind that no one will ever have 107 hp on lvl 1, and with my calculation with 4 end it not even possible to have 107 hp before 12 lvl because lifegiver is lvl 12 perk. So either they lvling much much much faster either they have random hp or smth like that.

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Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2012, 11:41:32 am »

+ for PE : give them a long range weapon , lets them fight in a turn base encounter . See how far they can shoot . Know their range = know their PE .
In your case , your companion lvl up 5 times from 107hp to 117hp . That's 2hp gain per lvl , means she got 4 EN .

For they "shooting range" their skill reduce it too, so you can't check on 1 lvl how much he got PE.

About EN , he can have 5 EN too.And this same thing comes with AG. Companions like to have fail builds  ::)

about CH and IN, what the point of calculating this? probably it don't effect companion/mercenary in any way
Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2012, 12:29:46 pm »

One of my friend got a biggun companion that can shoot rockets from 30+ range . Tested right after recruit her , with 6 rockets she did 5 hit shots and only 1 missed shot . She got 121hp from the start and got 5hp gain per lvl . 10 EN and good PE , 8AP is acceptable , cant expect more .

And for me , i got a good hp start sg companion . 201hp , 5hp gain per lvl . But he got low PE . Always rush in the front , shoot at range 10 and lower .

So i think skills only effect their hit chance , low skill means they will miss a lot , not their shooting range . For starter HP , i think its random . At this time we're still training companions . Mine and hers gain lvl at same speed . Mine got 226hp now and hers got 136hp .

For EN and AG , yes it can be a fail build , but at least you know the possible stat .
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 12:34:02 pm by shadowsight »
Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2012, 10:28:14 am »

how can i find companion???


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Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2012, 06:42:42 pm »

how can i find companion???
in bar's around the wasteland need to wait for them to spawn thou.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2012, 10:11:18 pm »

companions dissapear when u are running to grid and they are just behind you and they get hit by some npc. You are now on the world map and your party points are "0"
everything else is fine i think :) every other situation they respawn in the base
Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2012, 04:50:32 pm »

To find out how much luck is hard , but it can be done like this.

Give him some bb gun , place him 1 hex away from another character and order him to shoot as much so he does like at least 100 eye shots. When you have done that you must save log and then sort out all eye shots from that log file what your companion has done , after that you do simple math to determine how much of eyes shots were critical hits , if you end with something like 56.73% you round down and if 55.46% round up and then it's seems like he has 6 luck :) ( each point of luck gives 3% to critical chance it will be 53% or 56% only between 5 and 6 luck if you get some 54.43% it means the test was incorrect and need to do more eye shots) , use fonline character planner to check how much critical chance you have with certain amount of luck.

I'm not sure if companions gain perks , if they do that must be done on level 2 otherwise they might have some more critical perk and it all will be incorrect.

There is a way how to determine int but ... fuck i will not go into that it's some hardcore stuff :) ... huh maybe not so hardcore but i'm lazy.

Or maybe there isn't a way , depends on how companions distribute their skillpoints when reaching level , i'm guessing they don't dump all their skillpoints in weapon skills at any level. If they would do that , then you would just have to compare their range capabilities with their appropriate weapon skill with a certain weapon on different levels. Then you would have to determine their performance changes with that weapon ( like companion gained 6 levels and now he shoots 8 hexes further with lsw) , then you need full knowledge of hit to chance formulas and determine how much skillpoints the companion have accumulated into the weapon skill in order to allow him to shoot those 8 hexes further , only then you might have some idea how much int he has and even then not precisely.

Devs should just make their stats available as some information on some pip boy or whatever :)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 05:19:37 pm by T-888 »
Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2012, 02:37:12 am »

Would be also nice if companions would spawn with reasonable stats only. A BG companion with 1 str isnt reasonable obviously. Actually no companion, regardless of his proficiency, should spawn with low STR unless they get some perks like weaponhandling, but i doubt that. There are a lot of companions out there with "failbuilds". Its even pointless to spawn such companions since they are dismissed anyway.


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Re: [Spoiler] Companion types and details
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2012, 03:02:08 am »

+ for PE : give them a long range weapon , lets them fight in a turn base encounter . See how far they can shoot . Know their range = know their PE .
NPC will go closer to target until they will have certan % hit chanse(near 80-95)
just wait developers list of critters at wiki
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