We really need solution for companions. There are probably one of the best features implemented, but right now, its just too horrible to find one : you must camp all day long, just to check it. Even during night, if you wanna find one. And even by doing that, you find maybe one per day, if you're lucky. If you need a special companion to complete your group, you can wait for weeks. I checked all bars, hundreds of times. Got shitloads of alts to look everywhere. And even with that, there are only 4-5 places where they CAN spawn, and 3 places where they spawn relatively often. That means 2 per real day. Come on, that's silly. Double, triple the spawn rate, increase the number of places, whatever, but do something, right now the system to get them is one of the most ridiculous we ever saw in any game.
FOnline shouldnt be a job !
PS : btw, if you could disable this repeating shitty dialog in Junktown bar... people are really becoming mad coz of these npcs and their endless 3 sentences talk !