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Author Topic: Changelog 06/02/2012  (Read 19060 times)

Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2012, 08:14:03 pm »

I've crafted today some shit and resign from gaming. Those massive lags are since last reset and probably we can only wait. Hope, that there will be no rollback :]


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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #61 on: February 08, 2012, 09:07:09 pm »

1. To craft CA u must spend zilions of hours to luckly find CA blueprint
2. It still needs some valuable materials to craft and good organised operation to craft it - unprotected advanced workbench, so ur risking getting attacked while crafting it and loosing all ur stuff.
3. You can repair that armor only few times, after that max det goes down and protection value of that armor is totally shit.
4. During the battle ur armors are breaking like an eggshells, Ur risking all ur stuff if u die u loose all, if u win the battle u loot 3/4 worthless armors -> beyond repair, heavly detorated, detorated under max 100
5. Those carpets that are u so scared of for a big organised gang last only for few actions. 4 example hipotetical gang with 10 players has "carpet" of 50 new 100/100 CA. Its morelike 5-7 TC battles nothing more.
6. CA givs shitty protection compared to BA from avenger (treshold goddmit)

and still ur nerfing it harder and harder. Wasnt it ur words that ? -> "blueprints are very hard to find but in exchange crafting is simple"... and what blueprint is the hardest to find... ? CA ofcooz.

CA crafting was not difficult at all. There will be a limit on how much can be made (excluding dismantling), so there will never be 250 crafted by one person in one day again. That's all there is to it.

Deterioration and how it affects armour will change, as I've already said.

BA vs CA difference is 1 DT vs any ammunition that cares about DT. Not a big deal.

blueprints are very hard to find but in exchange crafting is simple

No, I've never said that. Blueprints were essentially meant to be as simple as support perks to get, though requiring different skills.
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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #62 on: February 08, 2012, 09:12:55 pm »

Blueprints were essentially meant to be as simple as support perks to get, though requiring different skills.
Really? Damn, there is something totally wrong IG in that case :P
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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #63 on: February 08, 2012, 09:14:57 pm »

The quests for support perks were finished, the one for BP were not. But then we could let BP be available from other places, whereas support perks had no other choice.
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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #64 on: February 08, 2012, 09:25:43 pm »

The quests for support perks were finished, the one for BP were not. But then we could let BP be available from other places, whereas support perks had no other choice.
Well, one good solution would have been to let all blueprints rewarding quest give totally random blueprints instead of fixed ones. I'd rather do plenty of quest multiple time than searching and lock picking those goddamns footlockers.
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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #65 on: February 08, 2012, 09:48:55 pm »

I've crafted today some shit and resign from gaming. Those massive lags are since last reset and probably we can only wait. Hope, that there will be no rollback :]

The lag is for a reason, don't worry :P
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #66 on: February 08, 2012, 11:20:30 pm »

Well, one good solution would have been to let all blueprints rewarding quest give totally random blueprints instead of fixed ones.

Ya, I see this army of alts doing those quests. No way.

The lag is for a reason, don't worry :P

Ya I know. Some script debugging. But annoying anyway ;D


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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #67 on: February 08, 2012, 11:25:13 pm »

Well, one good solution would have been to let all blueprints rewarding quest give totally random blueprints instead of fixed ones. I'd rather do plenty of quest multiple time than searching and lock picking those goddamns footlockers.

That's exactly the problem. People would do lots of alts then in order to gain different blueprints from the simple quests.


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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #68 on: February 08, 2012, 11:36:00 pm »

That's exactly the problem. People would do lots of alts then in order to gain different blueprints from the simple quests.
How is that worst than people doing their 300% lockpick alt and search for hours those blueprints in lockers while watching a film? At least when you do a quest, you're actually playing. Or for example, make mutie gunrunner quest repeatable with a random blueprint reward, that's one of the most interesting quest to do. I prefer killing 50 times the same muties, than searching those footlockers.
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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #69 on: February 08, 2012, 11:38:39 pm »

I didn't said that it's worse, but fixing a shitty situation with introducing a new shitty situation is hardly the way to go.


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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #70 on: February 08, 2012, 11:43:15 pm »

I didn't said that it's worse, but fixing a shitty situation with introducing a new shitty situation is hardly the way to go.
Sure, but to wait the fix of that shitty situation, I'd rather pick the less shitty one :P
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #71 on: February 08, 2012, 11:53:09 pm »

Before you'll find some better way, I'd suggest one quick change.

Just make all BP's in lockers totally random, or just higher the frequency of really high tech stuff BP's. Now it's just too rare, too valuable and finding one gives too much advantage - that's why half of server is not fighting, trading, roleplaying, doing TC or whatever - 'cause they're trying to find that fckin' CA or Avenger BP that would make them kings of the wasteland.
Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2012, 12:34:06 am »

Sure, but to wait the fix of that shitty situation, I'd rather pick the less shitty one :P

Honestly, random quest BPs is that "more shitty" one fix ;)

@krupniok: high five!

BPs drop in footlockers is quite wierd. I know, that high tier eq is rare, but for gods sake, We're searching for them a lot with three lockpickers in clan every day and best we can find is metal mask mk2 (which requires hq fibers) and assaul rifle. And fucking LSW being 50% of found blueprints. I'm quite tired with this.


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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2012, 01:55:59 am »

Devs said that they considered more important to make the game funnier than balanced, while my normal lone playing (never craft, never exploit alts and never join gang) is going mostly good (with a few little issues) i just see how everyone is bored of search blueprints, craft and use another new grinding features. After wipe this game became more boring and more balanced, thats not good.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Changelog 06/02/2012
« Reply #74 on: February 11, 2012, 09:53:30 pm »

@bydel: How do you know the CA carpet isnt a hoax ? Or carpet is made just from farmed CAs ? Or both ? Do you think someone would be that stupid to make that public (if it was real) ?

I like BPs rarity, its finally something really valuable, although I agree that there should be more means how to acquire them. Repeatable quest seems shitty as stated above.
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