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General Game Discussion
Still no ore in mines.
Topic: Still no ore in mines. (Read 8645 times)
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #60 on:
February 10, 2012, 02:24:09 pm »
ok so now i know why i cannot find anything in mines, b/c somebody is going there with a cow and diggin up 400 -.- bring back gathering cooldowns, rofl
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Mythical Demigod Mew
Nice negative feedback.
Reply #61 on:
February 10, 2012, 03:07:03 pm »
1) That wasn't a "cow", nor was it as it should have been said, a brahmin. Look closely and you'll see it's a
2) Every time I go there, there's tons of ore. I'm not depleting mines that everybody goes to, I'm off doing my own thing.
3) I think it's very fair the way it's being done right now. People need to learn to spread out.
4) I know that it goes without saying that
all this hate
is why people don't want to contribute or help you.
5) Have a problem with the way I play my game? At least I'm not out there killing you. I'm making things and giving them away most times.
What I mine I return to the community.
Want to criticize me now? At least I'm giving back.
6) Ever considered making friends? Oh right, you're arrogant as hell. Too proud to accept help, or just unwanted due to your terrible attitude?
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #62 on:
February 10, 2012, 03:13:28 pm »
what are u talking about ? Dunno where u are from and what time u play this game, but every time i go to mine and i visit 3 out of 7(?), I cannot find anything, at the same time crafting a simple gun takes atleast 10 ore. Btw does it make a diff if its a cow or slave srsly ....
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Mythical Demigod Mew
Reply #63 on:
February 10, 2012, 05:31:07 pm »
I have a serious suggestion for you. Talk to me in private if you need something I can more than likely help you.
Need ores? I'll be happy to help you out. More than. Just please don't get personal with me like that.
I'm not a meanie. At all.
And yes it did matter.
Slaver Snipe
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #64 on:
February 10, 2012, 05:41:32 pm »
Not to go too off-topic but IcyMew I am beginning to intensely dislike you changing the subject name on your posts
Luckily I play usually on a non prime time and I'm based in the north usually and rarely have any problems getting ore HQ or LQ, the few times I have played during prime time The mines may have gotten depleted faster but rarely would they be depleted after the first whack.
Violent Pacifist.
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #65 on:
February 10, 2012, 11:27:34 pm »
I've only noticed timing and luck to play any noticeable factor. There are Three HQ mines(Redding, Gecko and BH) and if no luck at one, I just travel to another and mine some shit and leave.
As for the normal mats, player population plays an obvious role and their guarded locations. People can take a brahmin and just clean it all out if they so want to and go at the right time. You can do it in a HQ mine, too, if you just time things right(mostly luck there if you're solo). Patience, taming/buying a cow and a hammer and you can have a large payout, IF you choose.
Used to take brahmin to the mines(still do sometimes but not always, since the shitty bug where guards are killing my tamed brahmin makes it hard to take said brahmin to certain locations). Only got 22 carry-weight and I found it easier just to run into the mine, mine what I can and leave. Less lost if death on the way out, less hassle. 125+ Outdoors makes this easier, however, because then the walk to wherever your tent/base is isn't so bad at all (175 OD myself).
Solo crafter main and I'm not really hard up for mats. The biggest gripe I have is the annoying difficulty in crafting said HQ mats at Gunrunner(they don't allow followers into factory) which means I cannot take my cow inside to the crafters table.
And now...
"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #66 on:
February 12, 2012, 09:12:44 am »
So it relies on alting again, or luck in timing when you go. I have gotten lucky from time to time, but since the whole point of things in game is to have a high server population, the current spawn rate, or amount held should at least be looked at. Everyone has different ways of doing things, and people who play at different times have better or worse luck than others. I don't expect a change just to suit the unlucky ones, but as we're seeing more and more people are coming up short when it comes to the res. Perhaps instead of changing the resource stuff since everyone seems afraid of that, maybe lower the requirements of the crafting some. 5 metal parts and an Alloy for a 10mm can be somewhat troubling when you easily lose it, and have to spend more hours getting it built again, unless you're one of the lucky ones.
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Mythical Demigod Mew
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #67 on:
February 13, 2012, 02:48:08 pm »
Maybe you should make friends with people who have tons of resources.
I spend a lot of time making money and storing away resources in numerous camps and bases along the wasteland.
That way when I deplete one camp I always have other ones that I've hidden away resources in.
Then the cycle resets, restock, rebuild, deplete.
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #68 on:
February 16, 2012, 08:21:18 am »
Sadly the freedom that this game boasts makes me really not want to follow the whole Conform or leave thing. I don't want to have to have 20 alts 40 tents just to make my ONE f'n gun I need to level up my 1 or 2 characters.
I do not know if the devs have stepped up resources, or if people have just left the game already, but I can finally swing more than once in JT mine and get some ore. Beats having to run all over the map just to make one item needed in the game.
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Better dead than red...
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #69 on:
February 16, 2012, 09:12:23 am »
I'm part of a small faction that works together as a team quite well and yes, that makes things like crafting infinitely easier. But one day I found myself online with my buddies nowhere to be found... So I tooled around camp a bit and tidied things up but I very quickly found myself bored. So I thought hey, why not make an independent character and see how far I can get... Well, I'm 2 weeks into that character now and without any help from any of my buddies or any of my alts he's doing just fine. Was it a bit touch and go in the beginning? Well sure. But I haven't had any problems gathering crafting mats or mining or anything like that and all that dude has that's "special" is a safehouse with his own workbench. So yes, it is quite possible to play a fun and fulfilling character by yourself, mining by yourself and crafting by yourself. If what your doing isn't working then I suggest trying something else, somewhere else.
Addendum: Don't even bother with JT or NCR. Obviously there won't be crap there now will there?
Re: Still no ore in mines.
Reply #70 on:
February 17, 2012, 11:04:36 am »
Good point about the JT NCR mines, lets just remove them from game they're not for average players use right? I do understand what you're saying, but the may part of the starting of the game is done near NCR and JT. There is even only one spawn point that doesn't bring you to that area when you start the game. These are things to be considered when you're making a game for a broader group of players, is where they will be starting, and what they will have to go through to play the game. Should WM travel be instant? NO. Should mines have infinite res? No. It was simply something that needed a second look.
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General Game Discussion
Still no ore in mines.