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Changelog 04/02/2012

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come on every one knows SD will be nerfted. i killed 720hp enclave with greese gun ;D
when SD are nerfted we can play in NR or other north cities with out worry about...where are you 1k damage ghost


--- Quote from: Mithguar on February 06, 2012, 07:48:17 pm ---IF you look at this forum, you will see that solar wrote many times that burst working with SD was unintented. So don't tell that you didn't know. And there was a lot threads like "SD bursters are OP" and in each one Solar stated at least once it's a bug. [in this pleace i could put some trolling comment but... neah]

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Haha, how many times I have said I created my character before developers staded anything, eh, this is getting tiresome... Please end this argument. It's irritating that someone doesn't read carefully and joins the conversation.

--- Quote ---just use your sd bursters to 1hex people with assault rifle :D, and yeh if they fix .223 pistol and 14mm,. i feel they should make the single shot from smg´s work aswell. no reason it should not imo.

the sneak burster is not a dead, you just gotta get within 1hex now to be effective.
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I hope what you're saying about assault rifle is true, because p90 bursts are horrible. Have fun :)
It's still harsh, since if you don't kill this big gunner in your first 1hex burst, you will get annihilated, unless he's lagging, has very bad reflexes or whatever. Also you won't have the time to hide after your move when there's more than one person, so it's pretty much a kamikaze. Still better than nothing :F

and how did you imagine that? some blue-pijama ninja with greese gun can kill with sinlge burst 290hp heavly armed tank with gatling/avenger with single burst? now it is hard to do it with avenger and you want do it with trash gun and x15 .45 bullets?


--- Quote from: ToxiCAVE on February 06, 2012, 11:39:00 pm ---and how did you imagine that? some blue-pijama ninja with greese gun can kill with sinlge burst 290hp heavly armed tank with gatling/avenger with single burst? now it is hard to do it with avenger and you want do it with trash gun and x15 .45 bullets?

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I have to repeat myself again, pal

--- Quote ---it was overpowered. That's why I said it should be nerfed, but not removed completly(the bursts, don't tell me about single shots please)
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And yeah, it even felt like Grease Gun was more powerful than p90


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