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Different ground images for Rock, Flint, Iron Ore, Minerals, HQ Iron Ore, HQ Minerals etc?

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Author Topic: Different ground images for Rock, Flint, Iron Ore, Minerals, HQ Ore and Minerals  (Read 3751 times)

I annoys me, that Rock, Flint, Iron Ore, Minerals, HQ Iron Ore, HQ Minerals have the same texture when lying on the ground. I would like to have each a bit different texture, so you could tell what it is on the first sight.


  • It's made of vague and to do lists!
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Then maybe make some first ;P Or you asking about in what format its should be?


  • FOnline2!
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so just make it! i  made a lot of onground items for wasteland2155 project just move ur lazy ass :F

Very good plan - I believe it would be technically fairly easy to implement (though would need a client update to work). Just needs someone to draw them, really. I'm under the impression that you can use .png files rather than having to convert them to .frm.


  • High-Tech Troll
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Changing colors would be enough, I think. Right now we have dark rocks (minerals, ore, HQ or LQ, regular rocks) and orange rocks (uranium and gold).
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Very good plan - I believe it would be technically fairly easy to implement (though would need a client update to work). Just needs someone to draw them, really. I'm under the impression that you can use .png files rather than having to convert them to .frm.

Instead of drawing new ones, someone could use the inventory view of the item, and just scale it down to size of a small rock... that would make it pretty recognizable.
No more brahim shit... im a big boy....


  • Treeman say map unsafe.
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Great idea, John. I like it. When on the ground, a normal rock could have a dent in it. Iron ore could remain as-is. HQ ore could be a lighter color with a few speckles. Mineral nuggets could be whiteish. HQ mins could be whiteish with specks. Uranium as-is.

But also: gecko pelts could be fixed. Flint could be fixed. brass knuckles could be fixed.

Blueprint types could also have a color difference so when you lay them all out on the ground, it's more clear what you have there.

John, your idea would help players work the simple clicking ins-and-outs of moment-to-moment game-play. Good idea.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.

Then maybe make some first ;P Or you asking about in what format its should be?

Im no good with graphic, but like Wichura said, different collors would be sufficient. The problem is, as i have been told, that this needs a server-side update.

As i understand it, Rock, Flint, etc. are linked with Rock.frm texture somewhere on the server, so i need someone to make like: Flint -> use ground_flint.png, Iron Ore -> use ground_ironore.png and so on. After that, image in FO/data/art/items/ sould be used for said item on the ground.

Or is there a client-side way, to tell the client to use custom texture on something?

I think it would merely be a small server side update (equivalent to the changing graphics of combat armour variants which was just done).

As far as I am aware, the link between object and frm/png is server side (in a fopro proto file), but the actual contents of the frm/png can be done client side if necessary i.e. you could change rock.frm client side to be any graphic you wanted, but unless the object/image links were changed on the server, this would change all rocks into the new graphic.

Anyway, I did a quick little resize/chop/repaint thingy :

Ore, HQ Ore, Minerals, HQ Minerals, Flint

They're only photoshopped in (but the files are at correct size etc), but if they seem good enough, both recognisable AND look like proper Fallout ground sprites, then it should only be a matter of changing a couple of the "PicMap=" lines in a .fopro file and linking them to the new images.

If they're fine, then here's the files in a zip :
They're all as png with transparency at the moment.

If they're not good enough, please feel free to download, make them better etc. A few of them probably need a little more shadow on the underside to look right, but it's probably only about a minute's work in Photoshop for someone.

[edit] Just to clarify, downloading this will NOT make them magically appear like this in your game. They would need adding server-side.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 05:01:06 am by Luther Blissett »


  • just some canadian guy
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very nice looking i likey.
Roaming the waste again.


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Please don't copy Requiem or Desert Europe ground items :( It not fair.

Don't quite understand what you mean there. If you mean the actual graphics, I simply resized the 2238 inventory icons to the same size as rock.frm to use as a guideline, then hand-painted* over them pixel by pixel using colours from the Fallout palette until it looked about right.

If you mean the idea of having ground graphics connected to the appearance of items, then that's something intended by the game and interface anyway, in both Fallout games (with the exception of duplicating similar frms to save space).

*Well, mouse-pointer-painted I suppose would be technically more correct.

i agree with barter111 :) textures in desert europa are very nice. going the mouse over stuff is annoying
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